Star Wars Battlefront II (2017)

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/ 100

39/ 100

Featured Review

Star Wars Battlefront II Xbox One X Review

Star Wars Battlefront II's predatory microtransaction system drains a lot of the desire to continue playing, creating a new hole for the Star Wars Battlefront series to stumble into.

by Grayshadow, 16 Nov 2017

The first Star Wars Battlefront was supposed to bring this long acclaim and dormant franchise back to life. With DICE, the team behind the notorious Battlefield franchise, leading the development many were hopeful for a densely packed multiplayer adventure and instead were g...

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Featured Preview

Star Wars Battlefront II PC Preview

While improving on certain aspects of its predecessor, Star Wars Battlefront II's beta wasn't without issues of its own.

by Woozie, 09 Oct 2017

The Star Wars Battlefront II Beta concludes today and I’ve spent a handful of hours with its modes to get a glimpse at how the developers have used the feedback they’ve received after the first title. While it sold well, undoubtedly due to it being Star Wars and a rev...

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General Information

Platform(s): Xbox One, PS4, PC
Publisher(s): Electronic Arts
Developer(s): EA Dice, Criterion Software, Motive Studios
Genres: Action Adventure, Action Shooter, Sci-Fi
Themes: First-Person Shooter, Third-Person Shooter
Release Date:

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