Star Wars Battlefront II Leaks Teasing New Single-Player Mode

Darth Maul, Yoda, Rey and Kylo Ren are featured.

By TAYLOS, Posted 13 Apr 2017

A leaked trailer for Star Wars Battlefront II, which was originally set to debut at Star Wars Celebration II on April 15th, 2017, has given us a few ideas of what to expect for the next sci-fi themed shooter.

What originally debuted on Vimeo yesterday by an unknown user, it has since been pulled until the official reveal this Friday. 

However, check out our screenshots of the trailer below to get you pumped up.

Here’s a brief description of the trailer:

Trailer starts with the Death Star exploding to what looks like the ending to Return of the Jedi only to cut to the face of an unknown female hero. A text pops up and states “The untold soldier’s story.” We are then transported through hyper speed to a space battle with Imperial Battleships, Tie-Fighters and X-Wings. The words “Fight Multiplayer Battles” then pop up. Afterwards we see a squadron of Storm Troopers accompanied by several ATATs and then two Tie-Fighters giving chase to what appears to be the Millennium Falcon. Another text pops up, “Across all Eras.” Here where we see Darth Maul power up his dual-sided light saber and the camera zooms back to show him charging toward Master Yoda as he brings out his lightsaber to intercept Darth Maul. Right after, the trailer cuts to Rey running through a forest as she dodges explosions and Storm Troopers. The last scene shows an over-the-shoulder shot of Kylo Ren as he menacingly turns around and the trailer ends.

After the trailer concludes, it mentions that in order for players to gain access to Star Wars: The Last Jedi Heroes content, you will need to have a pre-order. Retailers such as GameStop, Best Buy, Amazon and Wal-Mart will certainly have some kind of incentives available.

There was no date of release mentioned, however, we’re certain it will be revealed at the Star Wars Celebration event once the official trailer hits the web.

Tao Dawkins, Noobfeed
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General Information

Platform(s): Xbox One, PS4, PC
Publisher(s): Electronic Arts
Developer(s): EA Dice, Criterion Software, Motive Studios
Genres: Action Adventure, Action Shooter, Sci-Fi
Themes: First-Person Shooter, Third-Person Shooter
Release Date:

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