The FTC Says It Will Investigate Loot Boxes

Loot boxes under investigation for being a source of gambling for younger audiences

By Grayshadow, Posted 29 Nov 2018

Since the launch of Star Wars Battlefront 2 loot boxes have been a heated topic among governments, with Belgium and Netherlands leading the charge against the practice as more stories and evidence begins to mount up about their link to gambling. During a hearing, FTC chairman Joseph Simons addressed New Hampshire Senator Maggie Hassan citing the UK's Gambling Commission's report that found 31% of children have paid to open a loot box in a video game.

Star Wars Battlefront 2,NoobFeed,EA,

The following statement was provided:

“Given the seriousness of this issue, I think it is in fact time for the FTC to investigate these mechanisms to ensure that children are being adequately protected and to educate parents about potential addiction or other negative impacts of these games,” Hassan said. “Would you commit to undertaking this project and keeping this committee informed about it?”

The big question is whether future and current loot boxes will be consisting as gambling among governments and legislators. Hawaii state representative Chris Lee has argued that loot boxes should be restricted to those over 21 but the bill died in the committee last year.

Other countries such as Belgium and the Netherlands have forced companies to remove or alter loot boxes in response to changed laws. For example, all boxes must include the drop rate of all items before players purchase them.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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