Star Wars Battlefront II Update Changes Amount Of Credits Earned

Star Wars Battlefront II undergoes first economy and progression changes.

By Woozie, Posted 04 Dec 2017

Star Wars Battlefront II has been in the spotlight even since before its launch. Between bulding its progression system on loot crates that allowed for power to be purchased with real money, the temporary removal of said microtransactions and claiming that cosmetics weren't in said loot boxes because of canon restrictions, it hasn't been an easy ride for the game. With two updates out already, the latest one launched today to address economy and progression changes. The first changes regard the amount of credits earned at the end of rounds. The amount should be higher across the board with top players receiving even more credits based on their performance. The credits cap for Arcade Mode has been tripled to a total of 1500 Credits.

Star Wars: Battlefront II, Image, News

Lastly, the amount of Crafting Parts in Daily Login Crates has also been increased. Considering these used to award as few as 5 Crafting Parts, it's a welcome change. December 5th is when the previously announced The Last Jedi Season will begin. Have a look at the full announcement.

One of Adam's complaints regarding the game was aimed at the rate at which Credits were obtained without paying real money for them. Give his Star Wars Battlefront II Review a read.

Bogdan Robert, NoobFeed
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General Information

Platform(s): Xbox One, PS4, PC
Publisher(s): Electronic Arts
Developer(s): EA Dice, Criterion Software, Motive Studios
Genres: Action Adventure, Action Shooter, Sci-Fi
Themes: First-Person Shooter, Third-Person Shooter
Release Date:

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