• Back from the Dead

    Category: Blogs, Posted 16 Apr 2015

    So it was, with the grace of an everlasting butterfly, the infamous fool returned from the dead.

  • 2010 GOTy top 10

    Category: Blogs, Posted 11 Jan 2011

     2010, like almost every year this generation was truly a great year to be a gamer. With Seq

  • decisions decisions

    Category: Blogs, Posted 03 Sep 2010

    update: well in good news this all turned out for the best. A friend of mine was about to sel

  • Console Surgery

    Category: Blogs, Posted 29 Aug 2010

    just figured you would all like to know that for the first time ever I have entered into the real

  • disc replay shenanigans 1-3

    Category: Blogs, Posted 24 Aug 2010

    so yeah me and my friend recorded a few videos and he is quite insistant that I advertise the

  • Cbus!

    Category: Blogs, Posted 21 Jul 2010

    To all of my fellow forum poster's here I have the worst news you will all hear in your lives


Average Joe Welcome to NoobFeed! Contributor 1k Posts E3 2009 - Microsoft E3 2009 - Nintendo E3 2009 - Sony E3 2009 Fanatic Voter GOTY
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  • Email : wallmich9@netscape.net