Console Surgery

By Shindiggah, Posted 29 Aug 2010

just figured you would all like to know that for the first time ever I have entered into the realms of the inner hardware of a console, the console specifically is my dreamcast. The controller Port A is non responsive, so I have cracked(not literally) the system open and am undergoing a "surgery" of the system to replace the fuses for the control ports and repairing any bad wires or balooned thingy's aroudn the mother board (not sure what they are called.) I may edit this tomorrow morning with pics of what the guts of a dreamcast look like, and hopefully bythat time I will also have it back in working order.

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  • Interesting. I never had the guts to do so. Looking forward to the updates. Maybe @FetusZero will be interested on this too.

    Posted Aug 29, 2010

  • lol Sleven is tagging me everywhere ;p

    I never had a Dreamcast, though I still wonder how they managed to make it so easy for the pirates.. or whose idea it was to not include any type of security for the discs, at least something that requires a mod of the game or the console, something, make them pirates work their brain a little.

    Anyway, let us know how that surgery went, I'd like to see some pictures too, could always be interesting.

    Posted Aug 29, 2010

  • Did you fix it?

    Posted Aug 30, 2010

  • @Sleven yea neitherh ave I :P its just very easy to crack a dreamcast, so I figured why not lol

    @FetusZero Ill try and get some pictures up tonight no promises though

    @Xiao I think I have, I havent gotten a chance to test it yet though all the tv's have been occupied today and I dont want to mess with the systems I have on my main gaming TV

    Posted Aug 30, 2010

  • did you have rubber gloves on, sergical masks and yell STAT as a random time?

    Posted Aug 31, 2010
  • avatar RON

    Never tried to do surgery on a Dreamcast but I sure did on my PS2, Atari and all the handhelds. I hope your operation was successful.

    Posted Aug 31, 2010

  • alright sorry guys the pictures arent coming for a few more days, the chord for my camera is mesed up (the dog got at it >.>) so until  I replace it I cant upload anything


    @Ron yeah I was succesfull, were you succesful with your PS2 atari and handhelds? :P

    Posted Aug 31, 2010

  • @Knight of course I did, would I be a true doctor if I didnt?

    Posted Aug 31, 2010

  • @Shindiggah : the only console that i performed surgery is a cloned version of NES console. the result was a failure and i left it dead. maybe i should have gotten a medical degree then i could repair it. 

    Posted Sep 01, 2010

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