
By Shindiggah, Posted 21 Jul 2010

To all of my fellow forum poster's here I have the worst news you will all hear in your lives here on this planet.

I, am. taking. a. 2.week. vacation

thats right, Im goin to Columbus Ohio (again) for 2 weeks, and unfortunatly I will have very minimal internet access so I doubt I will be posting here at all :( it is okay though, you do not have to cry because when that 2 weeks is up I shall return here in my glory and grace you all with my awesomness once again.

ALso Nerdboy you should like totally try stalking me down while Im there for teh lulz

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  • Lol, saw this posted on facebook.  I'm about 40 minutes from Columbus.  Depending on what part of Columbus it is atleast.  I'm not much of a stalker though so :P  Any other Noobfeeders live in the area between the suburbs of Dayton and Columbus, Ohio???

    Posted Jul 21, 2010

  • when was the last time I went to Columbus???? i want to see the University of Ohio Campus in Columbus. Heard that its a beautiful campus!!!

    Posted Jul 21, 2010

  • Have fun in the greatest of all states.

    Posted Jul 22, 2010

  • Have fun during the vacation Shin :D And, bring some photos for us when you come back :D

    Posted Jul 22, 2010

  • @King when did I say Iwas going to michigan? :P

    @Tanya: I doubt ill have much, most of my trips going to be spent watching kids whle my aunt has a baby

    @nerdboy: well its right outside of columbus, Im gonna be staying in Delaware

    Posted Jul 22, 2010

  • Good luck to you then babysitter :P

    Posted Jul 22, 2010

  • Not a big deal mate. Just have fun during the tour. Hoping to see you back after 2 weeks :)

    Posted Jul 22, 2010

  • too bad, hope you check my blog when you come back, you're a critical part of it :lol


    it's the one with the weird dream, just in case i posted another one by then.

    Posted Jul 22, 2010

  • Ahh, my state capital! My wife and I visited Germantown when we were there. It's due south of downtown Columbus.

    Posted Jul 23, 2010

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