disc replay shenanigans 1-3

By Shindiggah, Posted 24 Aug 2010

so yeah me and my friend recorded a few videos and he is quite insistant that I advertise them here since his channel gets negative views. this is a video of us taking a trip to Disc Replay, I'm only in parts 1-2 though so you dont have to bother watching pt 3

oh yea part 2 starts with me ranting about how in order for my mom to help me pay for college I have to go community just ignore it, its only me being a spoiled american kid >.>



and heres part 3, the least important part because I am in it in name only (chris)


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  • I'll check em' out soon *adds to to-watch list*

    Posted Aug 25, 2010

  • The blog looks familiar :P

    Posted Aug 25, 2010

  • I'll watch them tonight, I have to leave soon.

    Posted Aug 25, 2010
  • avatar RON

    Should’ve listened to your advice. First two videos were purely monotonous. Not because of the discussion though. It’s the way you kept the camera faced outside. The third video was actually quite good. I was going to feature it but you’ve posted this blog in “Do Not Feature Me” way.

    Posted Aug 26, 2010

  • @Ron no feel free to feature it, the more views the better, I was joking around :P

    Posted Aug 27, 2010

  • Both you and your friend are crazy.

    Posted Aug 27, 2010

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