• Will this generation be the death of MMOs?

    Category: Blogs, Posted 26 Aug 2014

    I have to say for the most part this generation feels entitled to get everything free. They're t

  • hey long time no see

    Category: Blogs, Posted 19 Mar 2011

    lol hey everyone havent been on here in a long time forgot the site :( well anyway imma be poping

  • guess whos back ^_^

    Category: Blogs, Posted 19 Aug 2010

    sorry guys after some rl problems your favorite mod is back now <3 lol jking but yeah im sorry

  • kick ass

    Category: Blogs, Posted 24 Apr 2010

    So i saw this moive i thought it was great and worth seeing a again for those of you who dont kno

  • need your help

    Category: Blogs, Posted 09 Apr 2010

    everyone who reads can you do me a big fav. just click this link and help a mod out :p  

  • Gamebattles

    Category: Blogs, Posted 19 Mar 2010

    For those of you who dont know what gamebattles is its the largest online destination for competi


Average Joe
  • Last Login : 21 Feb, 2015
  • Member Since : 01 Mar 2010
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  • Name : bobby channels
  • DOB : 28 Aug 1990
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  • Email : channman900@comcast.net
  • Country : United States