need your help

By chanman20, Posted 09 Apr 2010

everyone who reads can you do me a big fav. just click this link and help a mod out :p

comments powered by Disqus

  • it doesnt work. ive tried it. eventually you have to complete a survey and it tells you it didnt work so you should try filling out another one. no matter how many you do it doesnt work. if it works for you please let me know cause it sure didnt work for me and i had over 25 people click mine.

    Posted Apr 09, 2010

  • lol these are crazy online dodges :P

    Posted Apr 09, 2010

  • You should know that this doesn't work...After all, you are a mod...

    Posted Apr 09, 2010

  • It says that


    Already sent your link to

    0 people


    But why? I visited didn't I?

    Posted Apr 09, 2010

  • Same here, when I clicked that link. It says 0 people.

    Posted Apr 09, 2010

  • yeah me too! lol

    0 people!

    Posted Apr 10, 2010

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