kick ass

By chanman20, Posted 24 Apr 2010

So i saw this moive i thought it was great and worth seeing a again for those of you who dont know what this is about. Dave Livewski is a regular high school student who loves comic books. One day he is inspired by all these comic books to become Kick-Ass, a superhero with no powers. Later, he is joined by Red Mist, Hit Girl and her father Big Daddy and they form a vigilante team, fighting drug dealers and vandals.


so if your bored one weekend and want to go to the movies i would see this again i would give it 9/10. Now keep in mind this movie does have a lot of bad words lol and there is one or two parts nudity but its all in good fun. SO IF YOU HAVENT SEEN IT GOOOOOOO NOW!!!!


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  • Okay adding it to my "Movies to watch" list :)

    Posted Apr 24, 2010

  • I was badly waiting for this movie. The movie is awesome!! I need to find time to go to the theatres!!

    Posted Apr 24, 2010

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    Hey I like the new banner. Just need time to get used to. Hope that you all are doing well. Blessings of March on the way!


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