Gran Turismo Developers “Considering” The Franchise On PC

The creator of Gran Turismo suggest that the franchise may finally make the leap to the PC platform.

By LCLupus, Posted 28 Nov 2022

Kazunori Yamauchi, the CEO of Polyphony Digital, the developers behind the Gran Turismo games, who is also the creator and producer of the games has suggested that the classic racing franchise may make its way to the PC platform at some point, but there are no definitive plans at present.

Gran Turismo, Polyphony Digital, Gran Turismo World Finals, Kazunori Yamauchi, PlayStation, PC, Latest, News

This tiny piece of news came from GTPlanet, who were attending the Gran Turismo World Finals and 25th Anniversary event for the franchise, and while there they had the opportunity to briefly speak with Kazunori Yamauchi about this possibility. When asked about the games making the leap to the PC, he stated: “Yes, I do think so.”

However, he added some additional context: “Gran Turismo is a very finely tuned title. There are not many platforms which could run the game in 4K/60p natively, so one way we make that possible is to narrow down the platform. It’s not a very easy subject, but of course, we are looking into it and considering it.”

Essentially, he appears to be worried that the game, which is generally considered absolutely gorgeous in its visual presentation and proficient in its technical capabilities, would be difficult to port, and this is a valid concern as the PC platform allows for all manner of fidelity levels in terms of graphical settings and can be finnicky to develop for. However, that shouldn’t be considered too much of an issue as many games have made the leap, and while the PC does offer various complications for previously console-exclusive titles, it shouldn’t be too much of an issue.

So, perhaps Gran Turismo will eventually land up on the PC alongside other exclusives like Uncharted, God of War, and Spider-Man. We’ll just have to wait to see when it happens.

Justin van Huyssteen (@LC_Lupus)
Senior Editor, NoobFeed

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General Information

Platform(s): PS4
Publisher(s): Polyphony Digital
Developer(s): Sony
Genres: Racing
Themes: Simulator, CARpg
Release Date: 2022-03-04

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