
By serbsta, Posted 05 Apr 2010

Ok well, apologies for the delay. This will be a positive blog where your word will help contribute to the future of this website and the direction it will take. I'll try and be as succinct as possible but will try and cover everything adequately.




Our new twitter page is up, redesigned and refurbished. Our followers have been steadily rising over the last week and it is definetly having an impact on the site.




NoobFeed visits have been steadily growing over the last month or so and this is all thanks to you, the members, who have continued to stick it out. We promise, it won't be for nothing.




This feature is on track and your inputs will be required in the following months. Stay tuned.




Right, the thing I'm most excited about. Our new youtube page is ready to go. This is the official announcement of the new NOOBFEED WEEKLY SHOW which will be recorded in the form of a proper news report (news anchor and all). It will cover all the major stories covered on the site throughout the week. This project will should see some light by the end of this month, at latest. But here's where your opinion is required. We need a name for the show! That's right, our weekly news cast needs a name, something catchy, something related, something which will draw in the regular gamer. So, ideas are welcome below, you never know, your one may be chosen.

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  • Really psyched for the game database and show.  I would like to ask if I can post my quick look videos under that section.  I know they aren't proffesional but its a start for NoobFeed :).  As for the name: NoobCast.

    Posted Apr 05, 2010

  • I vote to call it "The NoobTube" lol :P

    Posted Apr 05, 2010

  • I agree with EliteEdge, NoobTube sounds perfect.


    @-Moroes- : I was going to ask you to say that. Your videos will be a great addition to the NoobFeed Youtube page :D

    Posted Apr 05, 2010

  • Now this is great going :) NoobTube sounds cool but NoobCast sounds to be more appropriate to the purpose :) Want something catchy ? Then call it NoobFeed Communiqué :D :P

    Posted Apr 05, 2010

  • Awesome idea!!!

    how about NoobReport or NoobsReport!

    Posted Apr 05, 2010

  • I'd name it NoobShouts. Thanks for all the other updates. Very much looking forward to the see the Games Database. This feature will complete the site.

    Posted Apr 05, 2010

  • How about NoobUpdate???

    Posted Apr 05, 2010

  • the feed?


    noob lunchtime?



    Posted Apr 05, 2010

  • so how about NoobSnack?? lol!! or NoobBreak??? NoobDinner!!!!

    Posted Apr 05, 2010

  • This is very exciting news! and i hate to brag but *cough* *cough* who suggested the youtube channel? ha just kidding gang. But yes i agree with noobtube, perhaps noobvision? planet noob? i dont know, im just throwing things out there. and if we do this, im gonna make lots of rts videos well like 4 or 5

    Posted Apr 06, 2010

  • I've seen some very good proposals so far, so here are mine to consider:

    NoobFeed Digest

    This is NoobFeed

    Posted Apr 06, 2010

  • Yeah im really liking NoobTube :). 

    @ILIAS: Reminds me of the movie 300 and this :P.

    Posted Apr 06, 2010

  • @-Moroes- : oh wow!!! i never knew they did that!!!

    Posted Apr 06, 2010

  • Just remembered something. Have you guys go to the escapist site? They make weird hilarious news.

    Posted Apr 06, 2010

  • How about just calling it "The NoobFeed." Feed is already used in conjuction with news by some outlets (G4 being a prime example), so why not do the same? I know it's not a creative name by any means (but that's what you get from a rather uncreative guy like me), but it gets the point across.

    Posted Apr 07, 2010

  • Thanks for all the comments, they'll all be considered and we'll keep you updated with any developments. :)

    Posted Apr 07, 2010

  • I feel kind of silly.... but I can't think of a title for the show.

    Posted Apr 09, 2010

  • Hah I like NoobTube

    Posted Aug 17, 2010

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