• Are Wii Fit?

    Category: Blogs, Posted 10 Apr 2011

    Wassup, NF! :D   http://screwattack.com/videos/Are-Wii-Fit-Introduction One of

  • wth?! blogging

    Category: Blogs, Posted 08 Apr 2011

    So I wrote a decent length blog and it didn't save. Long story short: My video was vas

  • A bit of a slump

    Category: Blogs, Posted 05 Apr 2011

    Hey, NFers! :) How's it going? I hope everyone is well! Anyway, I didn't get the Har

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Yuna7780 has decided that he doesn't want to review yet. Maybe he just needs a bit of inspiration!

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Average Joe Welcome to NoobFeed! Contributor Celebration E3 2010
  • Last Login : 29 Jan, 2014
  • Member Since : 11 Jan 2010
  • Total Friends : 40
  • Posts : 48
  • Comments : 107
  • Blogs: 48
  • Reviews: 0
  • Tags: 0
  • Poll Votes: 30
  • Visited : 430
  • Name : Liz
  • About me :

    Guten Tag! I'm Liz... or you can call me Yuna or Elke. These are the *cough*aliases*cough* names I am known for. I dunno. I'm a chick. I like playing video games. It's sometimes scary to see how hardcore I am, being a girl and all. But my priority passion is worshipping the Lord. Next comes video games and film making. I don't really know what else there is to say... buuuuuut. Yeah. Just ask me appropriate questions and I'll be likely to answer.

  • DOB : 09 Apr 1993
  • Gender : Female
  • Email : yuna7780@yahoo.com
  • Country : United States