wth?! blogging

By Yuna7780, Posted 08 Apr 2011

So I wrote a decent length blog and it didn't save.

Long story short: My video was vastly superior in my drama class. I'm memorizing a long monologue from Fight Club to present in class Monday. I'm writing two scripts and I wish I had more time to make my videos. :P

Have a good week.

~Liz, Yuna

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  • Yea, happened to me once. from that point onward, i started "copying" the whole blog on notepad before i clicked anything else. thus i never lost another blog again.

    Posted Apr 08, 2011

  • Fight Club is one of my favorite movies. Which monologue are you memorizing?

    Posted Apr 08, 2011

  • My friend who joined here actually stopped blogging because of that issue.. im sorry that happened to you.

    Posted Apr 10, 2011

  • @yuna7780 : i am interested about the monologue!!! However sorry for the issue happened to you!

    Posted Apr 11, 2011

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