• Hiya!

    Category: Blogs, Posted 27 Apr 2012

    I can't even use words I don't know why but It is necisarry that i type this now, even th

  • The Humanity!1

    Category: Blogs, Posted 07 Jul 2011

    So today, I finally bought a new computer a dell xps 420 which is a pretty solid computer intel q

  • Decent to darkness

    Category: Blogs, Posted 04 Mar 2011

    So this week I am going to be borowing my friends laptop so I can play Star Craft 2, yeah i under

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User Reviews

Icewind Dale 2

Posted 10 Feb 2011

Hey gang, So something I have been wanting to do for a little bit now is write a game review and well here it is, although it will not be as in depth as some

Left 4 Dead 2

Posted 11 Jan 2010

L4D2 Review   This is my second review or at least review with effort. I think I’m going to follow the same guidelines as the first one I wrote&hel

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Average Joe Welcome to NoobFeed! Celebration Contributor Birds of a feather...
  • Last Login : 06 May, 2012
  • Member Since : 06 Mar 2009
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  • Name : Sheldon Walker
  • DOB : 18 Sep 1995
  • Gender : Male
  • Email : laughattacker911@hotmail.com
  • Country : Canada