Side Content in Fallout 76 Exceeds 150 Hours

Fallout 76 has over 150 hours of side content

By Grayshadow, Posted 23 Oct 2018

Like previous open-world Bethesda games Fallout 76 will have a massive amount of side content. With Bethesda confirming over 150 hours of side content to be experienced.

Bethesda,Fallout 76,

Bethesda's Project Lead Jeff Cardiner explained to Official Xbox Magazine (via WCCtech) about concerns of other players causing havoc. While it's safe to assume that players will kill each other for supplies or just for mayhem Cardiner explained that the testing period showed otherwise.

“Remember it is a survival game. So we found early in play-testing that people were like, his character’s going to go away in three hours, so I’m going to use all my Stimpaks and ammo,’ but when you’re playing ‘for real’, you’ll make very different decisions. Do I really want to kill this guy with my one Fatman shell, or do I want to save it for the Scorch Beast, because it took me hours to get it. You do make different decisions when your characters are ‘real’.”

Given such as large amount of content players can be expected to conserve ammo for not only the enemies but other players. Bethesda's beta for Fallout 76 does begin tomorrow so we can get an understanding of how this PvP PvE world will balance out those not looking to start conflict and those seeking to cause trouble.

Fallout 76 is set to release on November 14 for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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General Information

Fallout 76


Platform(s): Xbox One, PS4, PC
Publisher(s): Bethesda
Developer(s): Bethesda
Genres: Action-Adventure
Themes: Apocalyptic
Release Date: 2018-10-23

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