Gato Salvaje Studios Launches Kickstarter Campaign For Its RPG The Waylanders

The Waylanders aims for a $150,000 Kickstarter goal.

By Woozie, Posted 16 Oct 2018

Developer Gato Salvaje Studios has taken to Kickstarter in order to fund their upcoming "time-travelling RPG", The Waylanders. The studio aims for a $150,000 goal, with almost $7000 pledged at the time of writing. Announced back in August, The Waylanders takes inspiration from cRPG classics like Baldur's Gate and promises 40+ hours of gameplay. "With 6 main classes, 30 advanced classes, and over 800 skills, you have many ways to create your hero. And the top-tier scriptwriters will let you experience an adventure never told in a video game before.", the Kickstarter description reads. Former Bioware lead Mike Laidlaw is also working on the project as creative consultant.

The Waylanders, Image, News

One of the standout features in The Waylanders is its combat formations which lets characters move as a unit while providing solutions for different tactical situations. Formations will also tap into the fantasy side of the title, some being based around healers or spellcasters. As explained in the video delving deeper into them, they'll not only be a tool in the player's arsenal, but also the enemy's. Pledging $20 will get you a digital copy of The Waylanders, with an estimated delivery date of June 2020.

Bogdan Robert, NoobFeed

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