2 Characters Profiles for Mass Effect: Andromeda Released

Profiles for the brand new set of human companions for Mass Effect: Andromeda now available

By Grayshadow, Posted 01 Feb 2017

We already know that Mass Effect Andromeda won't feature familiar faces from the original trilogy and BioWare is slowly churning out the new cast of characters we'll see during the new galactic adventure. BioWare just released the latest profiles for Lieutenant Cora Harper and Liam Kosta.

Mass Effect Andromeda,Liam Kosta,Cora Harper,NoobFeed,EA,BioWare,

Cora Harper's summary reads as:

Cora joined the Systems Alliance to train her powerful biotic talents, eventually transferring to an asari commando unit before joining the Andromeda Initiative as Alec Ryder's second-in-command. Professional and loyal, Cora knows the rules well enough to bend them if necessary, lending huntress tactics and her biotic strength to the Pathfinder's mission.

Species: Human
Origin: Spaceborn
Height: 172cm
Weight: 61kg
Known Affiliations: Systems Alliance, Talein's Daughters, Andromeda Initiative
Nicknames: None
Combat Roles/Strengths: Biotic Commando, Operations Specialist
Favorite Weapon: Shotgun
Famous Quote: "When your biotics are honed into huntress-grade weapons… people can be weird about it."

Liam Kosta reads as:

A crisis response specialist with civilian tactical training, Liam learned of the Andromeda Initiative after meeting former Alliance personnel at a "post-hostility relief action." His multi-disciplinary skills set him apart, and Liam was hand-picked to support the Pathfinder team. He’s an idealist, willing to take risks for the good of the Initiative.

Species: Human Origin
Born: London, England, Earth. Split residence: Citadel, Earth
Height: 183cm
Weight: 88kg
Known Affiliations: HUS-T1 (Earth’s contribution to a multispecies civilian crisis response effort), Andromeda Initiative
Nicknames: None
Combat Roles/Strengths: Close range fighter, using his jump jet to move quickly, usually towards the target Favorite Weapon: Overclocked Dual Omni-blades
Favorite Biotic/Tech/Other Ability: Havoc Strike. Liam leaps forward with his
omni-blades to stun enemies and prime them for combo detonations.
Famous Quote: “I believed in a new beginning. Still do. I have to. We're in it.”

Mass Effect: Andromeda launches on March 21st in NA and March 23nd in UK and EU for Xbox One, PS4, and Origin PC. 

Source: BioWare

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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General Information

Platform(s): Xbox One, PS4, PC
Publisher(s): Electronic Arts
Developer(s): BioWare
Genres: Role-Playing
Themes: Sci-Fi
Release Date: 2017-12-31

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