Mass Effect: Andromeda Won't Allow You to Import Mass Effect 3 Save File

The decisions from Mass Effect 3 won't carry over to Mass Effect: Andromeda

By Grayshadow, Posted 09 Nov 2016

The legacy of Commander Shepard won't continue in Mass Effect: Andromeda. BioWare has confirmed that save files from Mass Effect 3 cannot be imported to Mass Effect: Andromeda.

Mass Effect: Andromeda,NoobFeed,BioWare,EA,

Speaking with Eurogamer studio boss at BioWare, Aaryon Flynn, and creative lead Mac Walters that all decisions made in Mass Effect 3 won't carry over to Andromeda.

"We acknowledged it in the endings of Mass Effect 3 and I think that's where we want to leave it for now," Flynn said. "We want this to be a new story and it would be very hard to say it's a new story but also that you need to understand how [the past trilogy] ended."

This shouldn't come as a surprise since BioWare already confirmed that Andromeda won't feature any familiar characters from the original trilogy. I wonder if that includes the Levithans as well?

For those unaware of this feature porting files has been a popular feature in BioWare games in Mass Effect 2. Players were able to port save files from the previous game that would alter the story of the current game. This included major choices, romance options and side quests. BioWare has implemented other ways to keep this feature much more efficent, so gamers don't have to play through an entire campaign, by providing shorter options such as Mass Effect: Genesis and Dragon Age's tapestry.

Mass Effect: Andromeda is set to release Spring 2017 for Xbox One, PS4, and PC.

Source: Eurogamer

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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General Information

Platform(s): Xbox One, PS4, PC
Publisher(s): Electronic Arts
Developer(s): BioWare
Genres: Role-Playing
Themes: Sci-Fi
Release Date: 2017-12-31

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