Blizzard's Chris Metzen Retires

Gaming will never be the same

By Grayshadow, Posted 13 Sep 2016

Today gaming lost one of the most iconic figures, Chris Metzen. Responsible for helping World of Warcraft, Diablo, StarCraft, and Overwatch Metzen said goodbye to the gaming industry today.

Chris Metzen,NoobFeed,Blizzard,

In a heartwarming post on the forums Metzen explained that this does mean goodbye:

“The reason I use the word ‘retire’ is because I’m not going to some other company or starting up new projects or anything remotely like that. It’s been a long, amazing stretch of years. Now it’s time to slow it down. Rest. Lay around on the couch and get fat. Well, fatter...”

“Seriously though, I’ll be focusing on the one thing that matters most to me in all the world—my family. They’re the core of my life and the source of my deepest joy and inspiration. In addition to raising our two little ones, we recently welcomed our new baby into the family! Being home with them all, having time and space to really live…to love my wife with all my strength…that’s my career now.”

It's sad to see such a legendary figure leave but after bringing so much happiness and joy into this world if anyone deserves to rest it's him. Thank you for everything Mr. Metzen.

Source: Battle Net

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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General Information

Platform(s): PC
Publisher(s): Blizzard Entertainment
Developer(s): Blizzard Entertainment
Genres: Online Role-Playing
Themes: Online Multiplayer
Release Date: 2004-11-23

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