MAXIMUM CAR Coming From Fist Of Awesome Creator

It's such a maximum car that its capital letters have taken over its entire name.

By Daavpuke, Posted 15 Feb 2016

Developer Nicoll Hunt sent out a spuriously flattering mail that announces their latest game, MAXIMUM CAR. Yes, that includes all the caps for emphasis. And yes, it’s a racing game.

Maximum Car, now spelled like a normal person, is currently only announced for mobile platforms, both iOS and Android. Some of the savvier among you may recognize Hunt and their developing alias specifically, going by the name of I Fight Bears. Previously, the developer made Fist of Awesome, a pixelated adventure about punching a ton of bears in their bear face. Originally, that game was revealed for the troubled Ouya, before eventually jumping ship, like the rest of the industry. So, the current platforms for Maximum Car make sense, though there may be more devices announced at some point.

Maximum Car

For now, what you get is a high-octane racing experience with faux pixelated vehicles, heavily cel-shaded to pull off their blocky look. There’s a large amount of bump and grind going on in the announcement trailer, as well as drifting across coastal highways. The game feels a bit like Outrun meets Burnout. Burnoutrun, as it were. Here’s a synopsis taken straight from the game’s press release:

A visceral racing experience where reactions are tested to the max. The most car ever yet seen in a video game. So much car that it will make your eyes burst into flame and exhaust smoke come out of your nostrils.

Hunt got this write-up by stating the following bold-faced lie:

Now that we have this life-changing monster of a game, people need to hear about it. As an eminent respected journalist, well known for your exquisite taste and magnificent hair, you are top of the list.

I’d debate the eminent part already, but that hair comment is completely over the (receding) line. Still, let this be a lesson to everyone out there: Flattery will get you everywhere. Bribes can be sent to the usual address.

Maximum Car releases in summer of 2016.

Daav Valentaten, NoobFeed (@Daavpuke)

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