Fist of Awesome Gets the Greenlight

Beat 'em up game Fist of Awesome makes its way through Steam Greenlight.

By XboxBetty, Posted 29 May 2014

Last fall, we got pretty excited about the release of developer I Fight Bears' beat 'em up game, Fist of Awesome. It made owning a Ouya a heck of a lot better, and we liked the game so much we gave it an 87/100 in our review.

Fist of Awesome, I Fight Bears, Nicoll Hunt, Steam, Greenlight, Greenlit

If you're unfamiliar with the side-scroller, Fist of Awesome pits lumberjack Tim Burr against a flood of homicidal wild animals - bears, deer, bison and dinosaurs. Tim wields an ever powerful fist, beating down the newly intelligent wild animals with a series of kicks and punches.

Introduced to Steam Greenlight just a week ago, the game quickly made its way up the ranks and was Greenlit on May 28 with 74 other titles. This hasty climb is impressive, considering many games have been waiting to get the okay from Valve for an unruly amount of time.   

I Fight Bears, Nicoll Hunt, Fist of Awesome, Steam, Greenlight, Greenlit, PC

Fist of Awesome is available now on Android/iOS devices, Ouya and PC/Mac through the Humble Store, Amazon and a handful of other digital distributers. As for Steam users, you'll get your hands on this indie gem soon enough. Whatever your preferred method of gaming is, Fist of Awesome is awesome, and being reasonably priced, worth every penny.

Megan Bethke (@XboxBetty), NoobFeed

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General Information

Platform(s): PC, Mobile
Publisher(s): I Fight Bears
Developer(s): I Fight Bears
Genres: Beat-'Em-Up
Themes: Action, Time Travelling
Release Date: 2013-10-15

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