Visions of Mana Summer 2024 Release Unveiled

New gameplay teases Pikuls, a new animal companion, and an elemental combat system.

By SnowWhite, Posted 19 Jan 2024

During Xbox's Developer Direct yesterday, Square Enix Ltd. unveiled recent details on Visions of Mana, the first mainstream installment to the cherished Mana series in more than fifteen years. At the developer showcase, Masaru Oyamada, the series producer, and Koichi Ishii, the series creator, introduced players to the reimagined world of Mana and gave them a behind-the-scenes peek at the game's development and exciting gameplay.

After a successful 1993 spin-off release as Mystic Quest from the Final Fantasy series, the series could stand independently as an action role-playing game. An emotive storyline centered around Mana's power, the renowned Mana Sword, an eccentric cast of characters, an unforgettable soundtrack, and a battle system based on weapons are the distinctive features that constitute a genuine Mana game. Over the past three decades, more than nine million copies and downloads have been sold, and the Mana series has launched seventeen titles. Due to the series' devoted fanbase, several Mana titles were re-released in the West during the last-gen consoles with improved visuals and gameplay.?

Visions of Mana

Anyone interested in Visions of Mana may get a better look at the newest monsters, creatures, and gameplay elements with the help of the new gameplay and behind-the-scenes footage. The new aerial combat system, described by Mana Series Producer Masaru Oyamada, will let players reach new heights during battle and execute physical strikes with weapons and magic attacks mid-air. This is just one of the many revelations about the gameplay in Visions of Mana. The Elementals, a fan favorite, will also be making an appearance. These come in the form of specialized equipment that helps players in battle. Each weapon has an elemental influence that determines how it affects combat, allowing for a fast-paced and adaptable fighting style.

Additionally, the "pikuls" were added as new companions players might anticipate encountering in Visions of Mana. The charming new companion, created by Koichi Ishii of the Mana Series, draws inspiration from mythology and wildlife. It will aid players in navigating the vast ground map and discovering the vivid world of Visions of Mana.

SQUARE ENIX also announced that 100 songs will be featured on the soundtrack for Visions of Mana when the game launches. Creators such as Hiroki Kikuta, Tsuyoshi Sekito, and Ryo Yamazaki, who have all contributed to or written music for prior Mana games, are involved in this project. A new adaptive music system is also coming to Visions of Mana. It will let players go from exploring the landscape to fighting, making them feel more urgent by changing the background music when they enter or exit combat.

Originating in 1993 as a spin-off of the Final Fantasy series Mystic Quest, the Mana games have taken players on a journey across various genres and platforms, each with its unique set of vivid scenery, charming characters, and high fantasy plots. Building on 30 years of legacy, Masaru Oyamada, the producer of the Mana series, and his team are using what they've learned from the previous 17 games to make Visions of Mana an enduring continuation of the beloved series while also providing fans and newcomers with an exciting new experience with entirely new storyline, characters, and gameplay mechanics.

The release of Visions of Mana is set for Summer 2024 on PlayStation, Xbox Series X|S, and PC via Steam. 

Asura Kagawa (@AsuraKagawa)
Editor, NoobFeed

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General Information

Publisher(s): Square Enix
Developer(s): Creative Business Unit III, Square Enix
Genres: Role-Playing
Themes: Fantasy, Action, Adventure
Release Date: 2023-06-22

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