Xbox CEO Phil Spencer Would Like to See Some Classic Games of Activision to Return

Phil Spencer says he is all in for the return of the old and classic games after Microsoft’s acquisition of the big game studios.

By AtillaTuran, Posted 18 Oct 2023

Recently, there was a big deal of whether Microsoft was planning to purchase one of the biggest gaming studios that is still active since the 70s. Activision, known for its variety of huge series, was finally sold to Microsoft a few weeks ago and it seems like they will be more dominant than before since they have Microsoft as their parent company. Of course, the acquisition raised some questions within fans too: Are any of the old games coming back soon?

This question was forwarded to Phil Spencer, the current CEO of Xbox during an interview with the official Xbox magazine. The answer was quite surprising, as Microsoft owns Activision, he stated that he would love to go back and bring some very good titles to current times. He later added the quality of these games should be of the same standard as a new game, such as overhauled graphics and sound design.

Phil Spencer, Xbox, CEO, Remake, Remaster, Gamepass, Activision Blizzard, NoobFeed

It basically means that Phil Spencer would love to bring classics with details and effort put into it rather than just slapping an HD texture pack and releasing it as a remastered game- we are looking at you, Grand Theft Auto Trilogy: Definitive Edition.

The question of those old titles returning back is quite the possibility, according to Phil Spencer. Game studios that created those IPs still exist and even if they are not, Microsoft has their license now, meaning they could potentially get new studios to recreate those games from scratch. One of the most requested games, Hexen, might be on the list, but Phil Spencer himself is quite fond of Quake II returning back with a fresh coat on top, he stated he liked the return of the classic shooter with immersion and depth, and didn’t leave its history behind.

So far it might be in just the discussion era since Microsoft’s acquisition of Blizzard was quite recent, however, Phil Spencer’s involvement with old games and bridging back them to life seems quite possible. One thing for sure: We need Vigilante 8 and Vigilante 8 2nd Offensive if Phil is going for a revisit of old titles.

Atilla Turan (@burningarrow)
Editor, NoobFeed

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