Redfall Had a Massive Drop of Interest Since its Launch

Redfall, Arkane’s multiplayer title, is close to having single digit of players in-game nowadays.

By AtillaTuran, Posted 06 Oct 2023

Since its launch, Redfall had its fair share of negative comments and feedback. The game itself is currently in shambles and with no proper updates for months, it's no surprise that nobody has taken a look at it recently. Even though there have been a lot of players on the Xbox platform, Steam database websites showcase the opposite of this fact.

Websites such as SteamDB allow people to watch over a game on how well it is doing. Such as sales, discounts, and as expected, the current player count. When taking a look at the Redfall’s page, we could see around 20 to 25 players on average daily. The lack of interest has been severely decaying more and more with each passing day. Microsoft’s subsidiary studio, Arkane, is actually specialized in single-player games, rather than multiplayer ones.

Redfall, Vampires, Coop, FPS, Arkane Studios, Microsoft, NoobFeed

In a previous interview, one of the crew members from Arkane revealed the fact that the sudden change of pace led workers to adapt to mechanics and techniques they never used before due to Redfall’s online structure. Even though the studio's responsibility was against their skills, they pushed on regardless and the current state of Redfall seems more sensible. After all, the change of pace and learning mechanics that were never used in their game took time to get used to. Therefore it was reasonable to see how Redfall ended up being a failure from the start.

As we all remember, Redfall had a terrible launch with bugs and barely any support from the developers. There had been some bug fixes here and there, but the real shocker is that the game has not gotten any updates since last June, making it not worthy of diving into the title now. Microsoft and Arkane Studios are currently silent about the matter, maybe they are preparing for a spooky update at the end of October for a big comeback, who knows.

Atilla Turan (@burningarrow)
Editor, NoobFeed

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General Information



Platform(s): PC
Publisher(s): Bethesda Softworks
Developer(s): Arkane Studios
Genres: First-Person Shooter
Themes: Fantasy, Action, Adventure
Release Date: 2022-05-02

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