Redfall Finally Gets Updated with a Much-Needed Patch

Fans waited weeks for this, and even then Redfall seems far away from being a successful title.

By AtillaTuran, Posted 13 Jun 2023

Arkane’s latest game, Redfall, had a quite catastrophic launch with a bunch of issues piling up one after another. Developers and publishers are aware of this fact from day one, with confirmed papers in hand, but they still had to commit to the release. So they do not have anything else to do besides keep the game alive with regular updates. 

To nobody’s surprise, after a lacking start, Redfall is struggling with the player counts on PC, such as having 50 concurrent players and having a maximum player count of 82 today. It surely shows how pitiful the game has been, it doesn’t make it better when the developer Arkane is known for making quality single player titles in the past. The new update aims to fix current issues with the AI in-game and stability issues. Although everything seems to be in order, console players still haven’t gotten the promised 60FPS performance mode.

Arkane, in their blogpost, let their small number of players know about the currently live update. With its optimization, gameplay changes, network stabilizations and quality of life updates, players can expect to find a smoother experience with Redfall. They also added that they are working on the 60FPS performance update and getting it ready for the future versions of Redfall.

Redfall, Vampires, FPS, Co-op, Arkane, Update, NoobFeed

While it is a good addition that Redfall is slowly getting back support from the developers, unfortunately the players are bitter that these sort of updates should have been released in the first week, not an entire month after. One of the reviews in the Steam page complained about how it would have been better if this update dropped within a week and how it would have been a positive change for Redfall's sake. No matter, Arkane and the publisher, Microsoft, seems very much dedicated to Redfall nowadays. As a result they are here to keep it alive as long as there is demand for it, even if it's abysmal in comparison to today’s newly released online games.

Redfall is currently available on PC, Xbox Series X|S and PS5. Given the fact that the title is struggling in the online FPS front, there is the fact that it is still in the polishing state with ongoing events and prepared updates in the future. With this pace, we might even see a resurrection on the scale of the No Man's Sky incident we had a few years ago. No Man’s Sky had a terrible launch with a bunch of promised gameplay features and online mode, however the developers failed to bring those promises to players and it caused a skirmish amongst anticipated fans.

Atilla Turan
Editor, NoobFeed

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General Information



Platform(s): PC
Publisher(s): Bethesda Softworks
Developer(s): Arkane Studios
Genres: First-Person Shooter
Themes: Fantasy, Action, Adventure
Release Date: 2022-05-02

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