Starfield Will Be Locked to 30 FPS on Consoles

Console players are feeling quite down as it is revealed that they won’t have more than 30 FPS.

By AtillaTuran, Posted 12 Jun 2023

Starfield had a big reveal party at Xbox Showcase yesterday. Bethesda was the star of the show, they displayed some new content at the event and gathered great feedback from the participants. Bethesda’s next big installment on their RPG lineup is going to be Starfield and every detail they have given is important for the healthy launch of their next title. While the system requirements for Starfield seem to relieve everyone, a line we have spotted made everyone quite concerned.

So far everything is looking good, the allocated space is not an issue if you happen to have a high storage capacity. As long as you have powerful components on your PC, it should be okay to go. However, the sad news keeps piling up for people who were planning to play Starfield on Xbox. Not only do they have to deal with enormous space problems, but they would also have to deal with a maximum 30 FPS cap as well. Bethesda’s spokesperson, Todd Howard explained that the 30FPS cap is there because of 4K rendering on Xbox Series X|S, and further mentioned Xbox’s 30 frames solution is consistent, unlike PC where it can change between 60 and 120, or can go lower than 60 to create uncomfortable viewing pleasure.  Since there aren’t any options to change the game’s visual settings in consoles, players have to deal with highly detailed graphics but a sluggish framerate.

Starfield, FPS Cap, RPG, Open World, Bethesda, Xbox Showcase, NoobFeed

At least PC players will be able to change settings to get the desired outcomes from their rigs while playing Starfield, unfortunately, the console players will be stuck with only framerate from early 2000-era games. This does not bode well with Microsoft’s console sales as the frame rate cap on consoles greatly encourages PC gaming more because it includes excessive customizing and availability of personalized settings. 

With its questionable choices on handling the space requirement, system requirements, and somewhat of an okay showcase, Starfield is either going to be another flop like Fallout 76, or it is going to be as legendary as Skyrim. We shall wait and see what awaits us. Starfield will be released on PC and Xbox Series X|S on the 6th of September this year.

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General Information



Platform(s): PC
Publisher(s): Bethesda Softworks
Developer(s): Bethesda Game Studios
Genres: Role-Playing
Themes: Space, Action, Adventure
Release Date: 2023-09-06

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