Prey Director Details How the Name 'Prey' was Forced by Bethesda

Raphaël Colantonio detailed the frustrating experience that he had with Bethesda Studios.

By Yagmur, Posted 02 Sep 2022

It is not a very recent allegation that Arkane Studios was forced to use the name Prey for their 2017 action-adventure first person shooter game, but Raphael Colantonio seems to have decided to illuminate the situation even further in the AIAS Game Maker’s Notebook Podcast. His allegations were nothing new, but many details about how he felt frustrated because of this intervention towards their creative process have been revealed.

According to a report made by Kotaku, the director of Prey Raphaël Colantonio mentioned that they were being disrespectful towards another game which is also called Prey, released in 2006 and made by Human Head Studios. The 2006 game has nothing to do with its 2017 counterpart, so it appears to make the wrong impression, according to the studio. Furthermore, Colantonio mentioned that he wanted to have a chance to apologize to the Human Head Studios “many times” but never had the opportunity to do so.

Bethesda Studios, Arkane Studios, Prey

Raphaël Colantonio, in the same podcast where he mentioned this intervention by Bethesda, also said that he “did not want to call this game Prey.” He also discusses how this hurt him in the long (and short) run: “I had to say I wanted to anyway in front of journalists. I hate to lie…It felt bad to support a message I did not want.”

Following the forced naming process, Colantonio unsurprisingly left Arkane Studios shortly after the release of Prey in 2017. It seems that since then, he has been “at odds” with Bethesda studios. Detailing how much more this decision by Bethesda Studios hurt him, he stated: “There is a bit of the artistic/creative side that is insulted when you tell [an] artist ‘You know your game? It’s going to be called Prey.’ And you go like, ‘I don’t think it should. I think it’s a mistake.”

Raphaël Colantonio left Arkane after 18 years of presidentship and formed his own studio, WolfEye Studios. Their first game Weird West was received positively by many reviewers.

Yagmur Sevinc (@yagmursevvinc)
Editor, NoobFeed

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General Information



Platform(s): Xbox One, PS4, PC
Publisher(s): Bethesda Softworks
Developer(s): Arkane Studios
Genres: First-Person Shooter
Themes: First-Person Shooter
Release Date: 2017-12-31

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