Days Gone has been in the recent news for good and bad reasons. The most notorious being the game's sequel rumored cancelation and the recent remarks from a former developer shaming customers for not buying the game on day 1. However, it has made the game known among more gamers, and with it coming to PC awareness is necessary to increase sales. Despite this, the game has been out on PS4 for 2 years and Bend Studio is celebrating with some contests and a free theme.

Days Gone,NoobFeed,Bend Studio,

The dynamic theme highlights the massive Freaker horde inside the Saw Mill. One of the most difficult fights throughout the game. Bend Studio will share codes starting tomorrow on their social media accounts.

As for the contest, players can share images using the Photo Mode to Twitter or Instagram with the hashtag DAYSGONECONTEST. Those who win will get:


The Art of Days Gone Book

Days Gone T-Shirt

Days Gone Beanie

Days Gone Poster


Days Gone T-Shirt

Days Gone Beanie

Days Gone Poster


Days Gone T-Shirt

Days Gone Beanie

Days Gone Poster

Days Gone is now available for PS4 and PS5. It'll launch for PC this May 18th.

Adam Siddiqui,
Managing Editor, NoobFeed
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General Information

Days Gone


Platform(s): PS4
Publisher(s): Sony
Developer(s): SIE Bend Studio
Genres: Action-Adventure
Themes: Zombies
Release Date: 2019-04-26

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