Bungie Reveals Beyond Light, Destiny 2’s Year 4 Fall Expansion

Guardians are finally traveling to Europa, alongside a few familiar faces.

By TKras98, Posted 09 Jun 2020

Today, Bungie announced Destiny 2: Beyond Light on their reveal livestream. Beyond Light is the game’s upcoming Fall Expansion, set to launch on September 22nd, 2020, following the Season of the Arrivals. Guardians will be traveling to Europa, the icy moon of Jupiter alongside Eris Morn, The Drifter, and the Exo Stranger. Guardians will take up Stasis, a new element which is powered by the Darkness.

Destiny 2, Beyond Light, Pyramid Ship, Eris Morn, The Drifter, Elsie Bray, Exo Stranger, Bungie

Europa has been a long imagined location in Destiny. This expansion features more than the Darkness, however. Players are going up against Eramis, a new leader amongst the Fallen. Eramis, wielding a new power taken from a newly reactivated Pyramid Ship on Europa. Guardians will cross the line between Light and Dark to defeat Eramis, her Fallen allies, and whatever power she garnered from the Pyramid Ship.

Bungie has been teasing this expansion for a little while. Initially, players discovered a leaked trailer showing Eris Morn traversing an icy tundra in the shadow of Jupiter, which fans immediately guessed was Europa. Following this discovery, Bungie released a trailer showing The Drifter, in a small drop ship traveling to the moon, and the next day released the previously leaked Eris Morn Trailer

Tyler Krasnai.
Editor, NoobFeed


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General Information

Platform(s): Xbox One, PS4, PC
Publisher(s): Activision
Developer(s): Bungie
Genres: First-person shooter
Themes: Science-fiction
Release Date: 2019-10-01

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