Blog Posts

  • In need of feedback.

    Category: Blogs, Posted 17 Apr 2011

    Hey guys/gals,   I've been working on a new design for my own site and was wonder

  • Are the DLCs worth it?

    Category: Blogs, Posted 11 Mar 2011

    DLC is possibly one of the best and worst things to happen to games. (Stick with me)  

  • Live Streaming Games

    Category: Blogs, Posted 09 Feb 2011

    Quick survey here. I'm looking into starting to live stream new release games on a weekly basi

  • I'm no zombie

    Category: Blogs, Posted 07 Feb 2011

    Yes I'm still alive. I don't get many chances to visit here. I've been ill and under t

  • My Top Five Games of the Year!

    Category: Blogs, Posted 01 Jan 2011

    5.) Vanquish   Vanquish tosses up a big middle finger to all other “cover based


Average Joe Welcome to NoobFeed!
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