In need of feedback.

By nerdboy, Posted 17 Apr 2011

Hey guys/gals,


I've been working on a new design for my own site and was wondering if everyone here would be willing to offer up some feedback on the design? It's just something I've been working on for a few weeks now and while I've already gotten a decent amount of feedback I'd like to get as much as I can so I know what to change to make it better.


For some reason the site wasn't allowing the image to go up in the blog here but that's okay here's a link to my twitpic.


Any feedback at all would be greatly appreciated. :D

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  • it looks pretty cool, honestly.

    also lol @ the prinny :P

    Posted Apr 18, 2011

  • Looks nice, but honestly speaking design isn't my area. Still, looking at your page I think there's too many articles in the homepage. You can always ask serbsta about a proper feedback. 

    Posted Apr 18, 2011

  • Looks nice and clean. Go for it.

    Posted Apr 18, 2011

  • I'm really diggin' the blue. The layout is awesome too. Great job :)

    Posted Apr 19, 2011

  • Massive thanks guys! :)


    There's a few things i'm already planning on changing to help make things a little easier on the eyes. Super glad you guys like it. Response so far has been great. :)

    Posted Apr 19, 2011

  • It looks really appealing, and I love the logo :D

    Only one little thing, you should prbably highlight the "Out this week" area a little more, it doesn't stand out the way it should, and it kinda looks like an ad of some sort.

    Keep up the good work and the page will end up looking amazing!

    Posted Apr 23, 2011

  • Honest comment: seems rather simplistic...

    Posted Apr 25, 2011

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