It's been some time...

By ILIAS, Posted 30 Jun 2011

... since my last blog... Seriously can't believe it. It really feels like yesterday that I joined NoobFeed. Anyway...


Gamingwise, I'm still addictive to Grand Turismo 5. I have reached Level 40 on B-Spec and I'm currently on Level 39 on A-Spec. The weekly updates with new races and challenges keep the game really alive. Actually all the xtra races have been enhanced with some extra "cash", so you can buy new cars easier in the game or update some of the ones you currently own (don't forget there's a trophy for owning 1k cars).


Also, I've been playing a bit of Wipeout. Old game but recently purchased for free (thank to the PS3 welcome back gift) and I can say it's pretty nice, while the music really fits into the game (even though after some hours of playing it gets repetitive).


I also can't believe that I totally missed E32011 I'm trying to do some catch up at the moment and I can really say that some of the games presented, are already in my to-buy list, such as PES2012, Uncharted 3, Resistance 3 (multiplayer here I come again) and the new Assassin's Creed. However, my main aim and the game I can't really wait is Star Wars The Old Republic. This is going to be my first "touch" in MMO and since I'm a real fan of the whole Star Wars thingy, I'm really eager for this game.


Well that's all for now by me. Since it's been quite some time since my last "blog visit", here are some songs (the old readers of my blogs know that I usually tend to finish my blogs with nice songs). Three songs for now, for all kinds of music lovers.




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  • I never knew you were into Star Wars too. A little surprised to hear it's so much anticipated by you. But missing out E3 shows was a good miss. This year it's been fairly better than last few years. And so many titles were announced. PES2012 is definitely coming my home too :D Also there was a GT5 gamenight few months back when you weren't here. You could've taken part and had good fun there. Anyway, it's really nice to see you back again :)

    Posted Jun 30, 2011

  • Yes I am very excited for The old republic aswell, although I would prefer if it wasn't an MMO and they made it more like fallout, well game mechanics anyhow. Still overall gonna be a good game i bet and the cinematic trailerss look STUNNING


    Also ood choice on dios rainbow in the dark (R.I.P. King of Rock and Roll)

    Posted Jul 01, 2011

  • This is the reason I won't be playing it. There's also subscription charges around $15.

    Posted Jul 01, 2011
  • avatar RON

    Welcome back my friend :) I remember those good old days when we used to enjoy E3 shows online together and chat throughout the shows. I've certainly missed you around lately. This year our writers have covered lots on E3. I'm not sure if you have noticed our podcast yet. The E3 podcast was really rich in discussion.

    Posted Jul 01, 2011

  • I just looked at your joining date and it seems that you are a NF dinosaur... It seems that you are even older than me. 

    But it's life, we do have our responsabilities and sometimes we need to "turn-off" from our virtual life. However, it's always nice to return to a place that once was new and full of ambitious people. NF is still a new place and still with ambitious souls, so, nothing has changed. I don't know your forum experience but by looking at your contribuitions, you gave a lot to this site. We hope that you keep delivering your knowledge once again. 

    Gaming wise, sorry about E3. Our editors did a pretty job in covering the event. You can still visit our E3 board for discussion until it closes. Anyway, from your list I'd add Modern Warfare 3, and "the new kid on the block", Battlefield 3. Stay tuned for future previews about hose games. But you can check the following previews from your list: Battlefield 3 and Resistance 3

    After all of this reading: Forgive, but do not forget...

    Posted Jul 02, 2011

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