Top Emblem Hunters - July Edition

By Tanya, Posted 09 Jul 2010

Welcome to July's emblem hunter edition. We have couple of new emblems and a new leader of the ladder. Also, the long waited E3 emblem has been distributed. We were expecting to see 4 E3 emblems like last year but only one has been given out this year. So, here goes the...

  1. ILIAS (22)
  1. canana (22)
  2. RON (20)
  3. fishdalf (19)
  4. Tanya (18)
  5. King (17)
  6. Nirvana (15)
  7. serbsta (14)
  7. Woozie(14)
  7. biZZy (14)
  8. EliteEdge (13)
  8. Sleven (13)
  9. azn_pride (12)
  9. Koshai (12)
10. kelaidis (11)
11. bluezy (10)
11. ForestHump (10)
11. Shindiggah (10)
11. Yianis (10)
11. -Moroes- (10)
11. Knight (10)
12. Big_Boss (9)
12. Din5193 (9)
13. Scientist (8)

Emblem Facts:

** Latest unlocks: by Ilias and by many of us.

* Total Emblems : 37 (9 of them aren't available anymore).

* Hunter of the Month : Koshai, for moving up to 9th place from nowhere..

** If you have E3 emblem missing in your profile and you believe you deserved it, post here.

Want to be in the list? Follow this guide.

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  • I shall get my name on this list nao :x Btw good work to Koshai for moving up so many palces. 

    Posted Jul 09, 2010

  • Glory!!! Such a glory!!!! Congrats everyone!!

    @Horgen123 : thanku thanku!!!

    Posted Jul 09, 2010

  • Thanks for the update. It seems like I didn't move much at the ladder. I'm trying hard to two emblems, which really seem very hard to unlock. One of them is tagger emblem. God it's so hard to make 1k tags :o

    The E3 emblem is awesome btw :D

    Posted Jul 09, 2010

  • Won't be in this list for quite some time

    Posted Jul 09, 2010

  • i should get an honorable mention because of how i got the E3 emblem :lol

    Posted Jul 09, 2010

  • Woo! That E3 2010 Emblem is looking pretty sweet in my profile :P

    Posted Jul 09, 2010

  • I was surprised to see the E3 emblem, I didn't expect to actually have it o_O

    Posted Jul 10, 2010

  • I want to be on the list, but my tech-savvy is mucho-modest, and I barely even grasp the emblem concept! i am a big fan of lists in general, though!

    Posted Jul 10, 2010

  • @stitch321 : hihi. Perhaps you'll take a bit longer than others to unlock few more emblems. Or perhaps you don't find it fun to unlock them. Btw, I've just noticed that there's something wrong with your visited stat. It certainly can't be 3? :o

    @FetusZero : Don't be surprised. You deserved it all the way :)

    @azn_pride : In my profile too :D

    @BrunoBRS : Consider yourself lucky because you weren't here during the E3 :P

    @SvV_Ying : You are not far away getting into the list :)

    @Sleven : Tag every article you read and every new thread you find. You'll reach 1k in no time :) What's the other emblem you are trying to unlokc?

    @Koshai : hihi. Congrats :)

    @Horgen123 : You aren't very far to get into the ladder. You are very close to unlock another emblem soon ;) And, with that GS account you have, it shouldn't be hard for you to unlock another exclusive emblem too :D

    Posted Jul 10, 2010

  • I'm seriously the emblem n00b at NF... *ashamed of only having 5 emblems*

    Posted Jul 10, 2010

  • @Yuna7780 : Don't be ashamed. You did better than many others :)

    Posted Jul 10, 2010

  • @Tanya - It is the Super Fuel emblem, I am 110% sure about that.

    Posted Jul 10, 2010

  • I have 7 emblems. I will catch Scientist :D

    Posted Jul 10, 2010
  • avatar RON

    There are still 3 emblems yet to be unlocked for all most a year and half now! I must say that you hunters are amateurs.

    Posted Jul 10, 2010

  • @canana : I've figured it out. Wait till I reach the reach the mark. It's about time now :D

    @Xiao : Yes you will. Keep up your activity level and you will unlock many more :)

    @Ron : I know one of them. User noobfeed has it but others I can't make guesses?

    Posted Jul 11, 2010

  • Thanks for the update Tanya.

    Posted Jul 11, 2010

  • @ILIAS : You are welcome and congrats :)

    Posted Jul 11, 2010

  • It can be kind of tiring clicking and statting and monitoring.Mebbe there is a glitch in my stats, but compared to GS, where I have to be undercover with my true ID, this site is GREAT!

    Posted Jul 11, 2010

  • I want to get in to this ladder.

    Posted Jul 11, 2010

  • @stitch321 : hihi. I head about the glitchspot. Don't worry though. Devs are very quick fixing bugs. I will inform our dev about this glitch :)

    @Abir: What are you waiting for?

    Posted Jul 12, 2010

  • @Koshai @Tanya

    Congratulations to all who received E3 2010 emblem :)

    Great job Koshai & ILIAS :D


    Tanya - Koshai didn't move up from nowhere. It's just the other security guard missed :P I mean you missed him while updating last time as you only checked few profiles based on someone's PM ;)

    Posted Jul 13, 2010

  • @biZZy : Really. How could I miss something like that :o

    Posted Jul 13, 2010

  • How can I have and and and ?

    Posted Jul 13, 2010

  • @Xiao : 1. Bring X amount of hits to this website. 2. Make 1k tags. 3. Submit a design for NoobFeed. 4. Be the member of the month (any month).

    Posted Jul 14, 2010

  • @Tanya - hahaha cause you scanned only few profiles based on someone's PM :P

    Posted Jul 14, 2010

  • Publicist. It seems like my advertising isn't working well enough :(

    Posted Jul 14, 2010

  • @Tanya: what I need to do to get all those Emblem?

    Posted Jul 14, 2010

  • @biZZy : I will be careful next time and won't reply on somebody's PM :P

    @Sleven : This one's hard to unlock. You need more friends to follow your links. And, the hardest part is to keep it alive. See even canana, Shin and Moroes have lost it.

    @Abir : Check the guide at the bottom of the blog. You will find all the general information there. If you need help, PM me :)

    Posted Jul 15, 2010

  • @Tanya - That's good :) You can't rely on same PM for two successive months :P

    Posted Jul 15, 2010

  • If I could only know how much I'm receiving now. Can you help me to find the info. I could push based on that. The problem is that I don't want to spend much time on other sites. Thus I'm not finding too many friends outside this site.

    Posted Jul 15, 2010

  • How do I make tags?

    Posted Jul 18, 2010

  • @biZZy : But do PM me if you find any new info. Help from your side is always welcome :) So, when are you going to post your top level blog?

    @Sleven : Don't worry about that emblem. I know it's only about time you unlock it :)

    @Xiao : Follow this guide. Shouldn't be too difficult for you to figure out :)

    Posted Jul 19, 2010

  • Give me an example. Suppose for this blog what I tag?

    Posted Jul 20, 2010

  • @Tanya - I'll have a check on Levels soon. So it'll come shortly :)

    Posted Jul 21, 2010

  • @Xiao : For this blog you can put tags like emblem,emblem hunter,noobfeed,e3 emblem

    @biZZy : Looking forward to that :D You've been pretty quiet lately with your informative blogs.

    Posted Jul 22, 2010

  • @Tanya - Yeah life's getting tougher :( I used to be in front of my PC for 12 hrs at least previously & now it's like 12 mins or so :O

    Posted Jul 22, 2010

  • @biZZy : What exactly are you doing? Job or traveling?

    Posted Jul 23, 2010

  • I just tagged those and I now have4 tags :D

    Posted Jul 24, 2010

  • @Tanya - Brilliant! Both at a time :D

    Posted Jul 25, 2010

  • @Xiao : Good job :) Let me know if you have more questions.

    @biZZy : Lucky you I must say. Where are you traveling mostly?

    Posted Jul 25, 2010

  • @Tanya - Yeah lucky :P I've been caught by cold for passing nights in the A/C buses :( I'm travelling to Chittagong, Rajshahi, Rangpur, Comilla & many more to come :D

    Posted Jul 25, 2010

  • @biZZy : Lucky you really. I wish I could travel like you. Not only in local but also cities outside BD :D

    Posted Jul 27, 2010

  • @Tanya - Yeah night journeys are just perfect for me :D But I need a rest!

    Posted Jul 27, 2010

  • Great work. I'm surprised I'm 3rd, I don't actively seek them out.

    Posted Jul 27, 2010

  • @fishdalf : Thank you :) Somehow you and Ron have always been on top 5. That's probably because you two know what exactly are the requirements:P


    @biZZy : Yes, you do. And you need a comeback here too. It was a bad timing for your promotion. Lucky you survived the last wave on inactive officials.

    Posted Jul 28, 2010

  • @Tanya - I think I should have been asked before I had been promoted because it was quite on the cards that I'd be busy.

    Posted Jul 28, 2010

  • @biZZy : I thought Ron did ask you about it. Remember the day we talked over phone? Ron was telling me about your promotion.

    Posted Jul 29, 2010

  • @Tanya - Yeah I remember. We talked about promoting new users; help them grow matured for the site. But I was doing the job at least couple of months before my promotion. It was better off to ask me before the final blow. Because it doesn't look good if you go away right after the promotion :(

    Posted Jul 29, 2010

  • @Tanya: Seriously though they've all been obtained without seeking. Naturally a lot of them come with the job though.

    Posted Jul 30, 2010

  • @fishdalf : I know, I was just kidding :P It's a good example that you two have always kept the activity going. And, all those emblems in your profile are  very well deserved :)

    Posted Jul 30, 2010

  • @biZZy : Don't worry about it. You can always talk to Ron about this issue. But try to be the old biZZy instead ;)

    Posted Jul 30, 2010

  • @Tanya - I don't wanna talk about this. Yeah I'm getting older :P May be the good ol' bizzy's dead ;( ;)

    Posted Jul 30, 2010

  • @biZZy : You are a legend in the spammers world. You can't die. No you can't :P hihi. Seriously though. Don't even think of that. There are busier people around and they are still making their time. You can do it too :D

    Posted Jul 30, 2010

  • @Tanya - I wish I could spend some more time here. But since I've become irregular it's been tough to become regular again.

    Posted Jul 30, 2010

  • @biZZy : Come on. That can't be your answer!

    Posted Jul 31, 2010

  • @Tanya - Don't worry! I'll be returning hard :D :P It's great to see Craig back on track but I'm also going to miss Ilias & Domen :(

    Posted Jul 31, 2010

  • I wish i was on noobfeed during E3, the introduction to kinect phsycked me up so much!!.. hope you feel better Tonya by the way!!!

    Posted Jan 17, 2011

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