
By Yoweeh, Posted 11 Feb 2010

I'm moving accounts! I read through the T&S to make sure this is okay... And I didn't see anything about it so yay!

Sadly, my post count won't carry over which kinda sucks, but I just wanted y'all to know I moved to the accont known as Yaoi. Does the username Yoweeh make sense now? :P

I used to use Yoweeh for most sites since Yaoi was always taken but I totally remebered today randomly that it wouldn't be on a new site. Yay! So if I start quoting posts made by this account on that account... Yeah. Still me. D: Poor you.

Also, is anyone else sick with this snow? The Jersey shore never gets more then a few inches usually so this 18 inches after 18 inches thing is a record for us... Plus, I go to Vermont every week for the snow so I'm sick of this white stuff and I don't have school for the rest of the week. Normally a good thing but all the roads are close so I can't even visit friends. =/

Anyway, this is now a dead account. Please friend request me over on Yaoi~ Though since the change username I'd prefer to be called Yao like I was called Yow over here. byebyebbys.

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  • All you had to do is request the Admin to rename your account :P They helped me change my username from slevenJ to Sleven :D

    Sent a friend request to Yaoi ;)

    Posted Feb 11, 2010

  • @Sleven: You know. Thatwould have been nice to know 2 minutes ago. :x

    Posted Feb 11, 2010

  • Yoweeh was just fine :)

    Posted Feb 11, 2010

  • Oh man!! That was a hassle.

    Actually I am enjoying the snow for one reason: no classes!! It was by far the longest snowfall I have experienced. Over 15-16 hours maybe.

    Posted Feb 11, 2010
  • It's too late for the easier solution now :P
    Posted Feb 11, 2010

  • well you still can ask admin to delete the new a/c & change the old username :)

    Posted Feb 11, 2010

  • Trueeee. So where is the staff list located then?

    Posted Feb 11, 2010

  • @Yaoi : Sorry mate. I didn't know you were going to switch account :(

    Posted Feb 11, 2010

  • not too sound like a jerk but you dont know snow. Not until you have lived here in canada, specificly alberta. 4 foot drifts arent hard too spot

    Posted Feb 12, 2010
  • Leave a pm to RON. He can help.
    Posted Feb 12, 2010

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