Noobfeed on Mobile!!!

By Thresolder, Posted 08 Feb 2010
Believe it or not guys, but I'm writing this blog using my mobile! :-P I was surprised 2 see that I can write blog using Opera Mini 4 browser. In recent I'm going 2 sell my pc & gonna buy a new one after the HSC xam. Until then I've 2 depend only on my mobile. That means, no pc for 3 months!!! OMG!!! That's a nightmare! :-S But it's good that I can write sum blogs in Noobfeed though I can't add pictures or links! :-( So I'll be able 2 visit nb often. But right now, I need 2 know something. Is there any emblem that I can earn quite easily? By not doing any hard task like recruiting 100 members? I'll apriciate if any1 gives me a suggestion!
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  • Yep I tried NoobFeed from my cellphone too although didn't write a blog :) But the pages are heavy, takes time to load! Opera mini helps to cut down the images so it's easier & cheap too :) Good luck on your HSC exam. You're from BD right? What you wanna do after HSC? Visit us when you can manage time :)

    NO SUGGESTION regarding emblem from me over the open board :) If you need good suggestions you can PM anyone you like. He/she will be very happy to help :)

    Posted Feb 08, 2010

  • It cost 3tk only if you keep that as bookmark. I use NoobFeed through cellphone when I'm in college

    PM biZZy and you won't have to go any further ;)

    Posted Feb 08, 2010
  • @bizzy, yap bro! I m frm BD. Um thinkin that I should meet all my nb frnds after the xam. I really want 2 meet them in person specially Ron. I've never seen his face! :-P
    Tnx 4 wisin luck 4 me! ^_^
    Posted Feb 08, 2010
  • Oops! Luks lyk i m not the only one using nb on cell! Shit, lost my part! :-(

    @tanya, well i use p6. So i dnt have 2 worry bout tht. But i dint understand bout ur PM thing. Can u xplain?
    Posted Feb 08, 2010

  • I actually asked what would you like to study after HSC? & PM (Private Message)Tanya in the first place for the best suggestions. If she fails :P then I'll take the responsibility :P

    hahahaha :D I'm no good for emblems :(

    @Tanya : costings depend on your handset, settings & browser :)

    Posted Feb 08, 2010

  • I use P1. I don't even know about the other packages :P

    Posted Feb 08, 2010
  • @bizzy, oops! Sorry. Dint caught u. I realy wanna study in CSE. I wanna be a game developer/programmer.
    As 4 the PM, all i've 2 do is jst send u a PM, ry8?
    Posted Feb 08, 2010
  • @tanya, p6 contains 1GB amount. U can surf & download in this 1GB. Type p6 & send it to 5000 to activate.
    Posted Feb 08, 2010

  • Great! I once wished to be a Comuter Engineer but God just didn't want :P Well where are you planning to study? Abroad? Now concentrate for your upcoming exam :)

    Go to user profile & use the SEND MESSAGE button. You can ask anyone & of course my doors are open :)

    Posted Feb 08, 2010

  • That's sad coz I used to browse NoobFeed through my mobile using Opera Mini using my GP connection. Then I found a better browser to browse (I mean the best): Skyfire. Trust me you can even watch Youtube videos through your own mobile with ease using the current GP connection.

    Good luck with your HSC. Man, I wanted to be computer engineer coz its the right time now. Well I just cant go back. I have to stick with my hobbies.

    Posted Feb 09, 2010
  • @bizzy, tnx 4 the help & wish me luck 4 the xam.
    @kosai, thts awsum bro! Where can i find it? Is it a free dwnload? Is it a java app or sis file?
    Posted Feb 09, 2010

  • @Thresolder : you can browse through the Skyfire website either from your PC or from your mobile and download it for free. The reason for the browser being so fast is that it closes down your wireless line, so you cant receive any calls and it takes those data for extra speed. I actually dont know whether its a Java or sys one, coz I used the Windows Mobile one. There are different versions for different mobiles.

    Posted Feb 09, 2010
  • @kosai, thn tht's definitely a sis file. Shit! That means i cnt use it. :-(
    Posted Feb 09, 2010

  • Good luck with your exams mate :) What is HSC exam btw?

    Posted Feb 09, 2010
  • @sleven, lol! Well it's lyk the 'A' lvl course. But it's much harder than 'A' lvl.
    Posted Feb 09, 2010

  • Nah I like my unlimited package better

    Posted Feb 09, 2010
  • Hmmm...........Tanya's in a deep mood guys. Stay away frm her! :-P
    Posted Feb 09, 2010

  • There's another reason though. I use this same sim for my edge card too

    Posted Feb 09, 2010

  • I also used my sim for Edge but this internet thing is mostly designed for mobile browsing. Even the unlimited one. I guess broadband is still the best one so far for the time being.

    Posted Feb 09, 2010

  • Does it mean we two are off same class :o How old are you mate?

    Posted Feb 10, 2010
  • @sleven, yap. Maybe! Well, um actually 18 but according 2 my b. certificate um 16. :-P
    Posted Feb 10, 2010

  • That is pretty sweet! :D But I would still use a PC for any website.

    Posted Feb 10, 2010

  • That's pretty close. I'm 17

    Posted Feb 10, 2010
  • @sleven, hmmm..........luks lyk ur 1 yr senior & junior than me! :D
    Posted Feb 11, 2010

  • lol. Junior if taken the right birthday.

    Posted Feb 11, 2010

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