I'm Back

By SitiZal, Posted 24 Jan 2010

Even though I'm still busy with my studies and managing our shop, I've decided to come back. I do read some users blog every now and then, so why not just log in and post a comment. I hated how Tanya kept sending me emails every single day and asking me to come back :P but now I rather thank her for doing so :) NoobFeed should find few more dedicated users like her.


I'm looking forward to meet Yuna and Farzana. Tanya told me that they both are very nice and friendly :) And also many new members who have joined recently. Feel free to send me a friend request :)

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  • welcome back :) & what a time to be back with a shiny emblem :D great :)

    Posted Jan 24, 2010

  • Thank you :) Now that I'm back I should unlock few more ;)

    Posted Jan 24, 2010

  • Welcome back. :)

    Posted Jan 24, 2010

  • Thank you :)

    Posted Jan 24, 2010

  • Welcome back, I hope you stick around. :)

    Posted Jan 24, 2010

  • i can sense some easy unlocks for you in quick time :)

    Posted Jan 24, 2010

  • Welcome back Siti

    Posted Jan 24, 2010

  • Welcome back welcome back. Hope you enjoy the party!!!!

    Posted Jan 24, 2010

  • Welcome back! Despite being in your friend list for only 1 day, which then I never noticed you were gone lol.

    Posted Jan 24, 2010

  • Hey welcome back! It's okay, busy with your studies and all, you're not the only one

    Posted Jan 24, 2010

  • Welcome back. You should definitely talk to Yuna. She is that cool ;) And, Farzana is very mysterious but very nice too.

    Posted Jan 24, 2010

  • welcome back i myself a new member here.

    i have sent u a friend  request :)

    Posted Jan 24, 2010

  • Welcome back, Siti. I hope you visite the forums and all the gaming content more often. Also , there are a few new members and I'm sure you will like it. :)

    Posted Jan 24, 2010

  • Welcome back. I sent u friend request long ago. But may be yoy did not get that. Here is farzana, welcoming u :)

    great to see u.  many congrats for your emblem. Take care.

    Posted Jan 25, 2010

  • Welcome back, Siti. It certainly has been awhile. :) And yeah, Tanya's dedication to this site is something that we should all follow. Congrats on getting that rather nifty emblem too. :)

    Posted Jan 25, 2010

  • Thanks for coming back Siti :) You know that you should be here ;) And, I didn't know that my emails were irritating you :P

    Posted Jan 25, 2010

  • No one has told you about me ;(

    Posted Jan 25, 2010

  • Welcome back Siti..:)

    Posted Jan 25, 2010

  • Thank you all :) I wasn't expecting so may welcome notes. I feel like I'm back home :)

    Posted Jan 25, 2010

  • @Xiao don't cry sweety :) Sleven wrote a blog about you. When you left for USA. Its not that no one mentioned your name. If you compare me and Yuna with you, you are older member than us. May be thats why Tanya could not mention your name. :) so keep smiling. No cry

    Posted Jan 25, 2010

  • Thank you so much for the friend request. :) I can definitely see Tanya doing that to you... she's so funny.

    Anyway, I got a request in my inbox, and I was like, "eh? Who's this guy?" but I get it now... ;)

    Posted Jan 26, 2010

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