Left 4 Dead is on the way

By bluezy, Posted 05 Oct 2009

I recently requested Left 4 Dead (360 version) on Goozex and a few days later it was in the mail. I'm still waiting for it, though it should arrive this coming week. I just don't have any Xbox Live! So I'm gonna have to go track down a 3-month subscription card this week.


I've been playing NHL 10 as well, and it's refreshing to actually be challenged. I'm used to whoopin' my opponents, and I'm actually having to work to beat teams now (and I'm still on the default difficulty setting). I think my "Be a GM" Toronto Maple Leafs currently sit at 20-12-1 (wins-losses-shootout losses) and 3rd in the East. Might start a "Be a Pro" thing soon.


That's all from me on the gaming front. What about you guys?

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  • Your just getting left 4 dead? well anyways you still can have loads of fun offline but i will admit it is much much better with some friends there with you if you can get some!

    Posted Oct 05, 2009
  • I played the PC version. It isn't the same...

    Posted Oct 05, 2009
  • I've never played this game, even though it got some very good critics. Enjoy it :D

    Posted Oct 05, 2009
  • goliath: I played the PC version when Valve had the entire game up on Steam for a whole weekend. That was fun. I don't usually buy new release games, they're too expensive.

    Posted Oct 05, 2009
  • How much did you play for the subscription card? I hope you have fun with the game :)

    I've been playing Batman Arkham Asylum. It's a great game. And, Be a Pro is a nice feature for any sports game. I've completed FIFA 09 Be a Pro. The only thing that bothered me is that it lasts only for two seasons.

    You must be doing something else too. You are hardly seen online these days :o

    Posted Oct 05, 2009
  • Tanya: I'm normally at school. Juggling things is not very fun, so school comes first. Plus, I'm done in the spring. I get on here when I can. And I paid $25 for the 3-month card.

    Posted Oct 05, 2009
  • avatar RON

    Isn't a sequel for Left 4 Dead coming already? It's a very good game and I'm sure you'll have plenty of fun with it. NHL 10 is probably one of the best sports game out in the market. Try playing on multiplayer if you seek for come real competition.

    Posted Oct 05, 2009
  • Bluezy: oh ok well you will have a good time with it!

    Ron: It's coming but it probably won't be for a year or so

    Posted Oct 06, 2009
  • How many games you can buy with that card? Or you can just place orders?

    Posted Oct 06, 2009
  • Tanya: It's just a subscription card, providing me with Xbox Live for three months. To buy games, I need Microsoft Points cards. Those are $20 for 1400 points (games are 400, 800 and 1200 points).

    Posted Oct 06, 2009
  • I see. Cards like this should be free for the Xbox users. They are buying the console and game! Why they have to buy cards to order games? So, how do you collect those points and do you get any discount?

    Posted Oct 07, 2009
  • The cards allow you to buy the Xbox Live Arcade games, which are only offered that way (digitally). So you can't go to the store and buy, for example, Castle Crashers. You have to get the points and buy them over Xbox Live. It's similar to Nintendo's WiiWare.


    And hey, Microsoft likes money.

    Posted Oct 07, 2009
  • Eh... Campaign is the most fun on L4D anyway. Versus gets very annoying very quickly. So you really only need Live for co-op online campaign.

    Posted Oct 12, 2009

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