• E3 Rant: Microsoft!!! I feel pity for you.

    Category: Blogs, Posted 17 Jun 2013

    I was checking around what this year’s E3 would show. Everything was going good until people s

  • My expectations on GTA V

    Category: Blogs, Posted 13 Nov 2012

    After a long time I come back from the ashes (oh yes I am working full time now) and thought of c

  • Why We Don't See Quality Games?

    Category: Blogs, Posted 23 Aug 2012

    After a long time; I'm writing something since this subject came into my mind. While I was ta

  • My point of view on Diablo III

    Category: Blogs, Posted 19 May 2012

    Since there is a server update going on, I thought of writing something about Diablo III (well I

  • Koshai's Razzie Award 2011

    Category: Blogs, Posted 15 Jan 2012

    Well hello there!!! Hope you all doing great in this New Year. So we saw a lot “interesting

  • Where is Koshai?

    Category: Blogs, Posted 15 Nov 2011

    Hehehe! I am still around. Surfing here and there in NoobyWorld and reading everyone's posts


Average Joe Welcome to NoobFeed! Contributor GOTY Celebration Birds of a feather... 1k Visits Voter Soccer Guru 1k Comments E3 2010 Poll Power E3 2011 GOTY 11
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  • Name : Rubayyat Akbar
  • DOB : 21 Nov 1985
  • Gender : Male
  • Email : boltu_koshai@hotmail.com
  • Country : Bangladesh