Dark Angels: Masquerade of Shadows

Even at its most frustrating moments, players will seek for more in the Dark Angels: Masquerade of Shadows.

By RON, Posted 20 Jan 2014

Even in modern day, forces of evil are a universal fact; unleashing darkness upon mankind. While there are those who fight against the demonic forces and save the world from losing its grip on humanity. Dark Angels: Masquerade of Shadows brings one of those legends where the good must fight the evil, and delivers the world a savior. With its puzzle theme and a very thorough hidden object gameplay, Dark Angels is yet another adventure game by Alawar that sparkles great promise.

Dark Angels,Masquerade of Shadows,Kate Evans,Female Protagonist,Screenshots

Dark Angels: Masquerade of Shadows stars Kate Evans, a fashion designer who’s suffering from horrible nightmares. She keeps seeing her mother’s death and horrifying demon faces. Being confused while those nightmares seem awfully real, she consults with a psychologist. But things start get worse from there. Faces that used to appear only in her dreams now show up everywhere she looks. Soon she realizes that it’s no longer an illusion and she must escape from this reality. Her escape, however, drags her to a strange group of people who calls themselves the Keepers, of which she’s meant to be one of. Kate sets out to travel to the past to rescue her mother and defeat the forces of evil. Her journey is poised with numerous puzzles and dangerous situations ahead.

Dark Angels,Masquerade of Shadows,Kate Evans,Female Protagonist,Screenshots

Gameplay of Dark Angels: Masquerade of Shadows is a blend of different types of puzzles aided with finding the hidden objects. The story progresses when a puzzle is solved and almost every one of them requires Kate to find particular objects. Unlike most games of this genre, hidden objects here are found by conducting certain interactions. If Kate is to find a key to unlock something, she must go through series of sequences that leads her to that key; opening whatever needs to be unlocked is another story. These series of sequences to perform an action are pleasant mostly at the beginning, but soon grow annoying. Luckily there is a hint option for those who are impatient that grants directions or instantly solves a puzzle. The use of Chakram, a weapon to kill demons, is an interesting addition to the game. With frustratingly precise control with the mouse Chakram can hit the enemies. Controlling get easier, however, when Kate douses herself with magic potions.

In Dark Angels, players have to choose dialog options during conversations, but the answers are always predictable. While the conversation feature doesn’t go on its favor, the game, however, does a decent job with its appearance. Scenarios are lively and so is the voice-over. Even in its most frustrating moments, looking at the visuals never get dreary as they’re superbly crafted. Maybe not all, but in most cases scenarios are precise in detail. Background music feels ordinary, but fits the gameplay well.

Dark Angels,Masquerade of Shadows,Kate Evans,Female Protagonist,Screenshots

There are meant to be elements of frustrations in every HOG games and Dark Angels: Masquerade of Shadows doesn’t walk any different path. But overall, it’s a decent game for the puzzle fans to spend some time with. The story will keeps the fans engaged till the end, with two different sets of environments – present and medieval – to explore. The demo provides enough to let players decide if they are going to like it or not. And since it’s free, I recommend any puzzle fan to try it out. Even at its most frustrating moments, players will seek for more in the Dark Angels: Masquerade of Shadows.

Sarwar Ron, NoobFeed
Twitter | +SarwarRon

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General Information

Platform(s): PC, Mobile
Publisher(s): Alawar Games
Developer(s): Alawar Games
Genres: Puzzle
Themes: Hidden Object
Release Date: 2013-11-27

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