Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

Uncharted is a first rate game that shows adventure can go beyond Tomb Raider.

By canana, Posted 21 Jun 2009

What needs to be said right away is that Uncharted would've made the perfect Tomb Raider or Indiana Jones game.It is undoubtedly fantastic in how in pulls off its sense of examination, by making you traverse over these gigantic constructions, jump from ledge-to-ledge , run for safety as the wooden bridge beneath you begins to collapse with every wake, and of course explore gorgeous backgrounds.If Naughty Dog were to make a Tomb Raider game, I have no doubt in my mind that it'd end up being the best Lara Croft adventure anyone could've imagined. However, Uncharted isn't Tomb Raider, nor is it Indiana Jones, it simply rewards a bit of an admiration to the aforementioned. Naughty Dog's third-person action game is a breath of refreshing air.

Uncharted relates the story of a treasure hunter called Nathan Drake. He believes to be the descendant of a famous explorer Sir Francis Drake. History said that Francis Drake was assassinated and then buried at sea.Nathan goes to look for his casket around where he was supposedly killed; what he finds turns out to be something absolutely unusual. The casket is empty, only containing Drake's long lost diary. Could this diary be the key to discovering the treasures stored in El Dorado? Furthermore, the game begins, as you find yourself encircled by pirates.

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune Review

Uncharted is a combination of platforming and action. Like I said, you'll do a lot of platforming jumping, but you'll also get to pop a cap quite often. Shooting is done parallelly to that of Resident Evil 4, where aiming is done using an over-the-shoulder point of view, with a cross-hair on the screen. You can also toggle which shoulder you'd like to look over, by pressing L3. Enemies are pretty intelligent, as they'll duck and will know when to run away from your fire. But, they also have a mean eye, so don't underrate their capability to mark you. If you do get shot at, the health system in the game uses the new-standard of life regeneration. Damage will tender to the color of the screen. The more damage you take, the darker the colors will become, until everything changes into black and white. Once you're seeing black and white, one shot is good enough to kill you.

You'll encounter a few weapons to use, such a 9mm handgun, an Uzi, shotgun, M79 grenade launcher, AK-47 assault rifle, Desert Eagle,and more. There is no shortage of firepower for Nathan, as he'll be able to pick up whatever weapons the enemies drop. Additionally, you'll also be able to hold up to four frag grenades. Furthermore, if you're unarmed, you always have your hands and legs to kick some ass. There are a number of combos to perform with Nathan, all of which are deadly and nice to see. There is no defect of firepower for Nathan, as he'll be able to pick up any weapons the adversaries drop. Additionally, you'll also be able to hold up to four frag grenades. Furthermore, if you're vulnerable, you always have your hands and legs to kick some bad guys. There are a number of combos to perform with Nathan, all of which are lethal and delicate to watch.

At the moment, Uncharted is very likely one of the best looking games of the current generation. It's a suitable example of what we've expected out of the "next-generation" consoles. The greens are absurdly abundant, and help present one of the prettiest pictures a videogame has ever seen. The settings are luxuriously ornamented with dazzling textures almost everywhere you look. No matter if it's the surface, walls, or way above your head, it's all textured with remarkable clarity and detail.

Moreover, you'd be hard pressed to find better looking water in any other game, no matter which console you look at. I've never seen water look that natural, and thankfully you get to see and swim in a lot of it during the game. When going out out of the water, Nathan will come out looking drenched, with his clothes completely soaked, and rendering a wet sheen until they dry off. Shadows, and the lighting in general, are gorgeous. Even the characters are greatly detailed, and the cutscenes do a great work of demonstrating that.

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune Review

Lastly, the audio; yet another excellent aspect of this game. Uncharted does a superb job with every part of its voice acting, be it during the cutscenes or when Nathan is expressing a few in-game quips.No matter the scenario, it's always delivered exemplary, and best of all, much of the dialogue are funny. The quality voice acting certainly helps bring out the cinematic feel of the game. Besides, during tense moments and shoot-outs, the game's soundtrack will come into play. Much like the voice acting, the soundtrack is also exceptionally well done, again, emphasizing a very cinematic score. Explosions, gun fire, and all of that fun essence comes through the speakers with great intensity.

Uncharted is, possibly, the best action and platforming game available thus far. It hands over in nearly every section that makes an action/platformer a great game.You'll instantaneously find yourself engaged with the game's remarkable gameplay mechanics, fluid controls, gunplay, and will love its monstrous sense of scale. Uncharted is one of those rare games that truly defines its corresponding genre, becoming the standard for everyone to follow. If you've been dying for a proper Tomb Raider game, and have undeniably been left frustrated, you must pick up Uncharted.

Marco Cecilio, NoobFeed

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  • Too bad that this game is PS3 exclusive. Else a Tomb Raider fan like me would never miss playing this one. Great review canana :)

    Btw, you've repeated 'There is no shortage of firepower for Nathan, as he'll be able to pick up whatever weapons the enemies drop.' this line twice in the 4th para.

    Posted Jun 23, 2009
  • So many good critics for this game, it's time to give it a shot before the sequel gets released.

    Posted Jun 23, 2009
  • avatar RON

    I'm not a big fan of TR as I don't like playing as a girl, but I would've definitely try this one. It's not fair for a game like this to be PS3 exclusive :x

    Posted Jun 24, 2009
  • Me likes it.Tongue out

    Posted Jun 24, 2009
  • @RON - You will play most of the time (about 98%) with Nathan Drake, the male character.

    Posted Jun 24, 2009

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    What needs to be said right away is that Uncharted would've made the perfect Tomb Raider or Indiana Jones game.It is undoubtedly fantastic in how in pulls off its sense o


General Information

Platform(s): PS3
Publisher(s): Sony Computer Entertainment America
Developer(s): Naughty Dog, Cerny Games
Genres: Third-Person Shooter
Themes: Action, Adventure, Platformer
Release Date: 2007-11-19

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