The Wolf Among Us: Episode 1 - Faith

The first climatic episode will leave players emotional, shocked and feening for more.

By XboxBetty, Posted 17 Oct 2013

With a game like The Walking Dead under their belt, it's no surprise that Telltale Games would rebound with yet another spectacular series. Based off the graphic novel, Fables, The Wolf Among Us follows the ruggedly handsome, chain smoking, sheriff Bigby - also known as, the big bad wolf. His blatant personality is honest, protective and easily likeable, creating a classic video game character from the start.

Like Telltales The Walking Dead, The Wolf Among Us is an episodic game, releasing in five installments. The first episode, 'Faith', introduces players to the world of Fabletown and its inhabitants. Fables are those fairytale characters we've come to love, and mundies are your average Joe's - people like you and I. Along with Bigby, other characters players encounter include Snow White, Beauty and Beast, the Woodsman, Tweedle Dee and Dum, and Ichabod Crane.

The Wolf Among Us, Review, Telltale Games, Episode One, Faith,  NoobFeed

With characters from childhood stories and fairy tales, one would assume The Wolf Among Us would have a cleaner, innocent side to it. However, like the graphic novel, The Wolf Among Us looks at the darker, mystical side of these familiar tales. Conflict in their hometown brought the fables to the world of non-fables (mundies), putting friends and enemies together in Fabletown; Bigby must learn how to be civil with Colin of the three little pigs, Snow now shares a kingdom with Beauty and many others must decide how they react to former enemies. This daring side of the game makes for a more mature title, where harsh language and violence are accepted. F-bombs and fists to the face are common, and the first episode would easily make the Brother's Grim proud.

The Wolf Among Us, Review, Telltale Games, Episode One, Faith,  NoobFeed

The first episode focuses on Bigby's investigation of a homicide. Prior events make the player point the finger at one suspect, all while current happenings make players question their initial thoughts and decisions. Decisions are made with Telltale's typical controls - point and click on an object, or quickly reply to a conversation within a given amount of time. Objects are highlighted in each setting, making it easy to find the needed objective, and the option to turn this off is available. For veterans of the genre, turning this setting off makes for a more challenging and entertaining game; leaving the setting on often makes the gameplay a bit too fast paced and simplistic.

The Wolf Among Us, Review, Telltale Games, Episode One, Faith,  NoobFeed

Telltales games are all about choices. Do you deny Colin the pig a drink, coming off as unlikable, or do you give him the whisky, gaining some trust? Do you blame Tweedle Dee for a violent crime, or the Woodsmen? All answers that gear the game towards each individual. Like The Walking Dead, players are able to see the choices that other gamers have made, and The Wolf Among Us' statistics are visible immediately after playing the game. Seeing how you compare to the rest of the community can be reassuring, or more than not, troublesome.  

The Wolf Among Us, Review, Telltale Games, Episode One, Faith,  NoobFeed

The Wolf Among Us' graphic stylings are familiar, looking similar to those of The Walking Dead. As it is based off a graphic novel, this is comfortable yet impressive all the same. The soundtrack is notable, adding to the dramatics and climatic feel of the first episode. The music in the game's opening credits immediatly label The Wolf Among Us as a detective game, with the soundtrack's somber cadences. The music builds with each scene, leaving players expecting a certain outcome, often being taken aback.

This first climatic episode will leave players emotional, shocked and feening for more. An unexpected moment occurs at the game's conclusion, leaving an imprint on your daily thoughts. The next episode is guaranteed to be a hit, merely for an explanation. For fans of the Fables graphic novels, or of Telltales previous work, The Wolf Among Us is a must play. It will reel you in, and have you demanding more.

Megan Bethke (@XboxBetty),     

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General Information

Platform(s): PC, Xbox 360, PS3
Publisher(s): Telltale Games
Developer(s): Telltale Games
Genres: Action, Adventure
Themes: Graphic Adventure
Release Date: 2013-10-11

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