Far Cry 2 (PC)

By kelaidis, Posted 25 May 2009

The country's government has collapsed months ago and their in the heat of a civil war.  You have to the find the person at the forefront of the fighting, also the person who armed both sides.  Nicknamed "The Jackal" he is a U.S.-born arms trafficker with charges ranging from piracy to violation of UN arms embargo.   Throughout the game you find yourself undergoing missions for the two dominant factions, the UFLL (The United Front for Liberation and Labour) and the APR (Alliance for popular Resistance).

Pros: Great looking open world, lots of guns
Cons: Traveling over large distances can become strenuous

You just landed at the local airport and you find yourself in a taxi on your way to the hotel in Pala.  As soon as you arrive at the hotel you black out because you are infected with malaria.  You then later wake up in a room in the hotel with "The Jackal" talking to you.  As he's leaving Pala is attacked and the hotel is set to fire.  In your attempt to escape the hotel and leave Pala you black out again, leaving you lying on the ground in the heat of battle.  Later you're picked up by a man and your run a few errands for him and steadily find your own way.


The game gives complete control to the player over his actions and the player is confronted with crucial decisions throughout the game, which mission to do next, to put an ally in need out of his/her misery or deciding to use one of your syrettes to possibly save his/her life.  Decisions made early on in the game won't have such big inpact on the game but the further the player is through the story the bigger impact all decisions will have.


Story missions are essential for overall game progress.  Players can engage in a story mission from the UFLL or APR headquaters, depending on which faction has a mission availible.  If the player has a good reputation amongst his/her buddies a buddy might set up a optional meeting point.  Meeting up with your buddy and eventually doing the mission the buddy's way will lead to more respect from the buddy and safehouse upgrades.  Your buddy usually suggests a easier way to do a specific missions and provides the player with some nifty guns.  Successfully completing missions will reward the player with rough diamonds which can be used to purchase guns, manuals and equipment.


There are two different manuals for each gun, the relaibility manual extends the life if the gun before it starts to jam, a accuracy manual to decrease recoil and a repair manual for vehicles to increase the amout of damage they can take.


When players don't want to continue with the story missions there is a wide variaty of side missions to earn some extra rough diamonds or to unlock new weapons for purchase.  A good way to earn some diamonds is to proceed to a transmission tower and activate the mission, players will then receive a call and the target will be marked on the map.  All the player has to do is to terminate the target to earn the reward.  Doing missions for the guy at the gun shop might not earn you diamons but will unlock new weapons up for purchase.  This missions will usually result in you having to eliminate the competition's convoy.  Only downfall in side missions is that it can become pretty boring since you have to do exactly the same every time.


Another way to earn some diamonds is to find the briefcases scattered around the world.  When you come close to a briefcase there will flash a green light on your GPS, when the light on and not flashing you know you are heading in the right direction.

Story: 4/5 Great
Gameplay: 4.5/5 Excellent
Graphics: 5/5 Excellent
Music & Sound: 5/5 Excellent

Final score: 92,5%

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  • Very nice review mate, completely agree.

    Posted May 25, 2009
  • Thanks serbsta.

    Posted May 25, 2009
  • Nice review,though i'm not a fan of the game,i might play it now.Smile

    Posted May 25, 2009
  • Can't agree more with your review. Now I must head to my PS3 and finally manage to beat this game.

    Posted Jul 10, 2009
  • avatar RON

    good review mate.

    Posted Jul 18, 2009

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