Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

Modern Warfare 3 doesn’t attempt to break the pattern that made this series great.

By Grayshadow, Posted 03 Dec 2011

Whether you choose to refuse or accept it, the Call of Duty franchise has been a success for a reason. With amazing visuals and atmospheric details riddled throughout its campaign and additive multiplayer that few have been able to successful duplicate, Call of Duty has established itself as one of the most defining games of this generation. Modern Warfare 3 remains true to this formula by delivering an intense campaign, tough competitive multiplayer, and challenge cooperative missions. However this formula has begun to show it’s age and Modern Warfare 3 doesn’t attempt to do diverge from made this series great. Those seeking an entirely new experience will be disappointed however taken as a whole Modern Warfare 3 delivers a satisfying game.

Call of Duty, Modern Warfare 3, Review, MW3, CoD

The campaign begins where Modern Warfare 2 left off. Soap and Prince are badly injured while the ultra-nationalist Makarov is still at large. However it isn’t long before your taking control of various soldiers from around the world. Though each solider you take control off offers a different objective each of their missions ties to the main objective of stopping Makarov and ending the war between Russia. The story attempts to create an emotional connection between the player and the characters within the campaign, but this technique ultimately fails because the story fails to create something to cling to.

Those who have played pervious Modern Warfare titles will be instantly familiar with the controls and gameplay elements of Modern Warfare 3. Players will encounter a series of what seems to be an infinite amount of enemies that range from completely oblivious to insanely accurate. The stages are also familiar ranging from sneaking, large scale battles, and brief battles. Though these fights are enjoyable they add little to the aging formula.

One of the most defining aspects of the Modern Warfare series is creating atmospheric flare that overshadows its competitors. Though Modern Warfare 3 is running on an older engine the visuals are spectacular. The amounts of stuff crammed into each location, while maintaining a smooth frame rate, shows that the developers took no chances in ensuring that the environments itself were living battlefields.It’s no doubt that Modern Warfare has delivered one of the most notorious and additive multiplayer experience in this generation and Modern Warfare 3 isn’t any different. The sixteen maps provide an excellent assortment of arenas for speedy gunplay and addictive leveling that have been part  of the series since the beginning. Modern Warfare 3 doesn’t try to alter the formula but to refine it by offering individual weapon and perk leveling. Kill streaks have been modified to strike packages that offering new perks or even streaks that continue through death. The modes remain the same such as team deathmatch, free-for-all, capture the flag, domination, and demolition. A new mode called kill-confirm requires players to pick up dog tags to register and denied kills. Though the public match system is limited the private match options offers more options to create a match to your liking.

Call of Duty, Modern Warfare 3, Review, MW3, CoD

Those seeking options outside the competitive field can chose between spec-ops and survival mode. Spec-ops allow you and a friend to undertake a series of missions that pertain to the single play campaign. Though these missions can be completed in about ten minutes, trying to a low time adds to the challenge. In survival mode you and a friend fight against waves of enemies in multiplayer maps. As you play you level your spec-ops profile to purchase within a game with the money you earn by killing enemies at specific points. This is an intense version of horde mode that. Both these modes can be played solo for those seeking leaderbroad glories.

Modern Warfare 3 doesn’t attempt to break the pattern that made this series great. It takes what made the series great and does little to add new things. However this still one of the best online experiences today. And add the intense cooperative modes and thrilling campaign you have a lot of variety here. In the end Modern Warfare 3 is an excellent addition to the series that changed a generation.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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General Information

Platform(s): PC, Xbox 360, PS3, WII
Publisher(s): Activision, Square Enix
Developer(s): Infinity Ward, Sledgehammer Games
Genres: First-Person Shooter
Themes: Action
Release Date: 2011-11-8

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