Red Alert 3

By ILIAS, Posted 24 May 2009


According to the scenario of the very first Red Alert, the Nazis and WWII never existed, at least not in the way that we are all aware of. Albert Einstein created a time machine in 1945 and managed to travel back in time, having as his main target to “vanish” Hitler. Despite the fact that Einstein’s mission was a success, his actions caused a huge disturbance in history’s timeline. As a result, Germany never became a superpower but a new war machine rose, with Soviet Union under the commands of Josef Stalin invading Europe. Moreover, in Red Alert 2, we saw a raw cold war situation, with the Soviets invading USA using psionic weapons and destroying their nuclear arsenal.





After years of conflicts, the Allies managed to push hard on the Soviets, so hard that they even succeeded into invading Moscow. However, the Soviets haven’t said their final word. After years of secret efforts and experiments, the Soviets managed to create their own time machine. Under the commands of General Cherdenko, the Soviets travel back in time and vanish Einstein. Without him the Allies would never be able to develop the nuclear bomb and their strategic advantage is gone, But like always happens, a new war machine arises under the name of Empire of the Rising Sun and WWIII is unavoidable.



Following tradition, gamers can take part in 3 different campaigns, one for every faction, which includes 9 missions each. The missions will travel you in Central Europe, Leningrad, Tokyo and even the Greek island of Mykonos. There are also the traditional cinematics before and after every mission, with Lieutenant EVA and Tanya guiding you during the Allies campaign. In the mission, you play along with a general-ally who can either be controlled by the A.I. of the game, or by another online user. Still, when A.I. is in control, you are able to give them 4 basic orders, while you share the resources you gather.

The majority of the units are amphibians including the harvesters. The classic fast paced gameplay takes place and the general idea of most of the missions is gather-build-seek-destroy, while sometimes your objective would be to escort someone, defend or capture a base.



The Soviet Apocalypse Tank, the Kirov Airship, the Dreadnaughts and Tesla Troopers are back, while their units have some new installments such as the Terror Drones and Stingrays. Natasha would be of great use, since she’s the best commander you‘re gonna see in the game, equal to Tanya. Don’t forget the War Bears which can be used as scouts.

The Allies weaponry is based on weather control devices, while they are extremely superior when it comes to air forces. Century Bombers, Aircraft Carriers and the Athena Cannons will definitely grab your attention. Compared to RA2, the Allied Forces have been almost totally redesigned.

As for the Empire of the Rising Sun, their forces are mainly powerful mechanized units and all of their buildings are mobile. Their strongest force is King Oni (just wait till you get this toy in your hands) and Yuriko Omega, a psionic commando (remember Yuri?)


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  • Nice review. I haven't got around to getting RA3 yet. I loved RA2, and I'm sure this one is going to be good too. :D

    Posted May 24, 2009
  • I enjoyed the 2nd Command and Conquer.  In fact, that was my first real-time strategy game.  Good review mate :).

    Posted May 24, 2009
  • Awesome review bro :) The game is a must-have, not only for the C&C fans :)

    Posted May 25, 2009
  • Not a bad review at all, Ilias. One question, your review is for consoles or PC? ;)

    Posted Jun 20, 2009
  • @ canana : The review refers to the PC version.

    Posted Jun 23, 2009
  • avatar RON

    I'm currently playing this game. Starting as the Soviets to play its last mission to demolish allied force air base :D Red Alert is an amazing series and I've always loved this game.

    Great review Ilias. I'll be writing on on this game shortly. So, thanks for all the unknown help you've done to me :D

    Posted Jul 07, 2009
  • Always glad to help Ron :) Have you managed to play with the Allies or the Empire of the Sun ?

    Posted Jul 12, 2009
  • avatar RON

    Not yet though. I've spend all my spare cash on the new computer and some games I've been waiting to play for years.

    Posted Jul 18, 2009

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