God of War Collection

If you haven't yet experienced the God of War series, this is your second calling.

By King, Posted 15 Feb 2010

One Blu-Ray disc, two of the greatest action adventure games of all-time. God of War and God of War II have been released for the PS3 under the God of War Collection, with the two PS2 classics available in their entirety, with nothing drastically changed other than some visual improvements. So if you for some reason didn't play these games when they came out originally, whether you were one of the few people on the planet who didn't own a PS2, you have been living under a rock, or have some other quirky excuse as to why you still haven't played God of War, here is your chance to finally redeem yourself.

Whether this is your first time playing the God of War titles or you're just looking to revisit some of your favorite games, there's no need to worry about how the games will compare to what you have been recently playing. The simple combat system (which is nearly identical in both games) feels as fun and as brutal as it did back in 2004. Slicing up Greek mythology is a crazy idea in its own right, but add some of the coolest weapons in recent gaming history and you get one special combat system. Although it is very button-mashy, the various combos to be mastered with Kratos wielding his Blades of Chaos keeps things from getting too repetitive. Magic is also at your disposal in limited amounts. If the gameplay doesn't feel as fresh as it did once upon a time, that's only because it set the standard for what almost every action game has tried to duplicate ever since the first God of War released.

God of War Collection Review

God of War isn't purely about ripping out the eye of a cyclops, though. Some of the games most memorable moments come from the challenging puzzles. The two games are paced excellently. Just when you think you can't bear to see another pint of blood spilling from an enemy, there's a puzzle awaiting, urging you on to continue the adventure. Some puzzles take a hefty chunk of time to complete, but you'll be satisfied when you finally figure out the solution to the puzzle. Sure, there are a few generic puzzles here and there, but both games have plenty of creative challenges that I haven't seen incorporated in a game before. But it wouldn't be any fun if I spoiled them for you, now would it?

For their time, both God of War I and II were some of the best looking games on the market. If you went out and picked up the original PS2 copies, both games would be playable, and wouldn't even be outstandingly bad, even to the most visually spoiled gamer. With that being said, the subtle changes made really make a difference. With all the action taking place on screen at once, having a silky smooth 60 frames per second makes the combat more easily admirable. 1080p resolution also really makes things pop, and you don't have as much muddiness. Some low detailed textures look ugly, but it's easily forgivable when there's those moments when you can't even tell that these games were released last generation.

However, while the in game graphics are slightly updated, cutscenes remain completely untouched. Some cutscenes are CG, and those still look incredible (and they make me anticipate the day when video games can look that good). But there are some cutscenes made out of the in-game engine, and seeing the game jump from HD to SD, then back to High Definition isn't pretty. At least this can make you appreciate the work they've done in making the actual game look better than it used to. The story also remains unscathed, with the same memorable tale of the anti-hero Kratos on his journey for revenge at all costs. After all these years, so many games don't touch on the level of storytelling that God of War I and II both accomplished back on the PS2. The score, which would have been good enough to be used in a high budget film, and just the excellent scenery accompanying the games help create one of gaming's greatest experiences.

If two games that add up to around 20 to 25 hours for single first-time playthroughs isn't enough for you, there is plenty to give you more bang for your buck. Each game has its own challenge mode (Challenge of the Gods in I, Challenge of the Titans in II) in which you have to work your way up through a specific objective to advance to the next round. There are 10 rounds in God of War I and 7 in II. The challenges are tough, but fun, and they are also rewarding. Upon completing the challenges you will receive alternate costumes which you can start a new game with. You'll probably want to replay the game simply to enjoy the experience for a second time, but the costumes give you even more of an incentive to play again, with new abilities and a different appearance.

God of War Collection Review

With the third installment on the way, you owe it to yourself to play these games if you haven't already and you happen to own a PS3. If you have played both God of War I and II before, it's hard to recommend you to pick up the God of War Collection. If you're a big trophy “you-know-what”, the Collection offers a platinum for both games. If you absolutely can't get enough of the series and are dieing to see it running in HD, this is for you. Otherwise there isn't much of a reason for you to get this again when you could just dust of your PS2 copies to get in the mood for God of War III. It might have been nice to get the PSP exclusive Chains of Olympus included in the package, but you can't complain with getting two of the greatest games, possibly of all-time, for just $40 in their best looking form.

Logan Smithson, Noobfeed

comments powered by Disqus

  • it seems the term HD became a marketing strategy for many collection related games. God of War being an example.

    Posted Feb 15, 2010

  • It's a good idea for a way to make a quick profit, and it's something that benefits the gamers. If you haven't played the game yet you can get another chance to play it (and looking better than the first time around) and the developer isn't wasting their time because the project is handed down to someone else (Bluepoint Games in this case). Win-win situation for everyone.

    Posted Feb 15, 2010

  • Very good review King This game collection should be on every PS3 console. I had the chance to play both games (for the first time) thanks to this collection and now I fully understand the hype.

    Posted Feb 15, 2010

  • I think you know I am a huge God of War fan. I enjoyed reading your review and it makes me feel like playing those old games again. I won't be picking up this collection since I have the original games. Not enough there for me to pay $40.

    Posted Feb 15, 2010

  • I played both games on the PS2 and I simply loved them. I want to see with my own eyes how they are in a next/current console generation.

    Posted Feb 16, 2010

  • I've played the very first one. Didn't complete the game though. It seems a lot improved now. I wish I could play them all.

    Posted Feb 16, 2010

  • Really an excellent game series. Probably the best new IP created within the last few years. I hope I get a chance to play Kratos final game. 

    Posted Feb 16, 2010

  • @Tanya : What kept you from finishing the first game?

    Posted Feb 16, 2010

  • @King : Surely wasnt because she got bored of it.

    Posted Feb 16, 2010
  • avatar 313

    Oops, thought this was a GOW3 review.

    Posted Feb 21, 2010


General Information

Platform(s): PS3
Publisher(s): Sony Computer Entertainment
Developer(s): Bluepoint Games, SCE Studios Santa Monica
Genres: Action, Adventure
Themes: Hack And Slash, Compilation
Release Date: 2009-11-17

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