
By VeKayElSee, Posted 26 Sep 2009

Unbelievably large map, tons of races, exciting weather effects and great graphics all make this racer a must have for any racing fan.


Developer:  Asobo Studio
Publisher:  Codemasters
Release Date:  June 2, 2009
Platforms:  PS3, XBox360 and Windows
Genre:  Racing


The game, at first may not seem all that great as the races don't feel terribly fast paced or that exciting, th A.I. can sometimes feel cheap and even the destruction physics aren't that good. But what beats all that is the amount of time you can spend playing the game.


Fuel 1


Fuel is based in a post-apocalyptic American wastleland torn apart by many catastrophies in which only a few brave people remain, after the area was evacuated, theese few remaining people stayed... just to race, and your one of them. So the aim of the game is simple, go out there and race, complete challenges, collect pick-ups and explore!


The best part of the game is the very large map, it's over 14,400 squared KM Which, beleive me, is very large, it will take you at least 4 hours straight to get from side of the map to the other in one of the fastest vehicles. If you just get bored of randomly driving about the wastleland, you can easily try to find the many vehicle, doppler trucks, vehicle liveries, vista points, fuel canisters or challenges, they are all quite simple to find and collect, just drive into them.


To unlock all the 19 sections of the map the player must take part in many of the races and challenges to unlock medals with 3 different difficulty settings, earniing you different amounts of medals, complete a race on easy for 1, normal, 2 and hard for 3 medals, also you get 1 medal for every challenge you complete, after every race you will also unlock a nice bit of gear to customise your driver with. There are 74 vehicles in the game, some you have to buy using the currency "fuel" which you collect from completing races challenges and finding barrels in the wasteland, or you can unlcok some by ramming into them in free roam. If you don't think any of your bikes, quads, buggy's, rally cars, muscle cars, SUV's or monster trucks look that nice then you can collect liveries in free roam to make your vehicles a little nicer. There is an online mode but it isn't that in depth, you just go on and race or free roam with some other people or freinds if you want, but thats it.


The graphics of the game ae superb, not quite on a techical level but the vehicles look great, the dirt on your car looks great and the best bit is the weather, driving around in the rain in the dark feels very satisfying and the lightning looks amazing, whenevr I sense a thunderstorm coming I get on a bike and drive to one of the highest points on the map just to watch it, which brings me to the next best thing about the game, thw views, I mean, while on top, or climbing a giant mountain yuo can see so far along, all the hills and other mountains, its just great.


fuel 2


On the downer sides of the game, the collisions and damge... they really are not good at all, your guy never eems to want to fall of his bike even going 75 miles an hour straight into a tree, the bike moves at an angle very slightly then carries on, the sounds are just bad, I mean while drifting a 90 degree corner the tyres screeching actually sound more like a go-kart, everytime you go up a ramp on a bike the landing always sound exactly the same evry time ad fianlly the music, out of the whole 2 songs on the game, 1 of them is good, th other one just plays over and over and over again.


Fuel 3


In collusion -

The good - Great graphics, Lots to do, brilliant views, good looking vehicles

The Bad - Bad collisions, Only 2 songs, Bad sound effects


Rating - 4/5 stars

comments powered by Disqus
  • This game sounds fun. The only racing game I've been playing is NFS. If I can make time, I'll give Fuel a try.

    Nice review :)

    Posted Sep 26, 2009
  • I only like NFS & Formula 1 racing games!

    nice review, i'll play this one if i can make time!

    Posted Sep 26, 2009
  • Nice review :) The game is overall good, nothing really special, but the important thing is to have fun when playing one and Fuel doesn't let you down :)

    Posted Sep 26, 2009
  • avatar RON

    You've mentioned Windows at the Platform part. Doesn't this game run on any other OS?

    Nice review and perfectly rated in my opinion :)

    Posted Sep 27, 2009
  • Tanya: NFS games are probably the best out there though :)

    biZZy: I remember playing F1 games on the PS2 and was terrible at them because I always tried to take shortcuts along grass and took the corners flatout :D

    ILIAS: yup, I totally agree

    RON:I'm not actually sure, but on other reviews I've read and wikipedia it just says Microsoft Windows and thats it.

    And thanks everyone for the positive feedback :)

    Posted Sep 27, 2009
  • avatar RON

    It's cool mate. I don't use any other OS though. Just wanted to be sure of it.

    And, one feature I always wanted in racing games. An option to upload music tracks from our HDD. Like you've said that this game has only 2 songs. With that option for adding songs could take out one of its cons, isn't?

    Posted Sep 29, 2009
  • Yeh, Burnout Paradise has that feature and its great. Only if this game had it...

    Posted Oct 01, 2009
  • Not anymore. Quality of NFS has gone down lately and not seem to be making any improvements.

    Posted Oct 03, 2009
  • Yeh, I totally agree with you there, the classic NFS games were much better, my personal fave. was underground.

    Posted Oct 09, 2009
  • awsome review

    already got the game its awsome

    Posted Oct 10, 2009
  • Thanks, yeh, it's quite good.

    Posted Oct 16, 2009
  • This is one of the best racing games I've ever played.

    Posted Dec 23, 2009
  • Why I never thought about this game as a Christmas gift :o

    Posted Dec 26, 2009

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