Telltale Games’ Batman: The Enemy Within Episode 5 - Same Stitch Xbox One X Review

Batman: The Enemy Within Episode 5 - Same Stitch is everything a finale needs that will leave you shocked and craving for season 3.

By Grayshadow, Posted 28 Mar 2018

I've played Telltale's various games since The Walking Dead Episode 1 launched. However, Telltale Games’ Batman: The Enemy Within Episode 5 - Same Stitch has blown every previous game out of the water. Providing the players with 2 different variations of the same story this is Telltale's most ambitious project to date, with so many alternate paths and options available. It has its issues but Same Stitch has outstanding endings to Batman: The Enemy Within.

Telltale Games’ Batman: The Enemy Within Episode 5 Same Stitch,Telltale Games,NoobFeed,

Players will be taken in either 2 adventures, one starring Joker the Viligante and another starring Joker the Villian. Both have John Doe taking on the role as Joker but in a different light. Joker the Viligante is obsessed with how people like Amanda Waller can call themselves the good guys while performing horrible acts without consequences while the villain version feels betrayed and that this is the only path for him.

Joker easily steals the show as your actions come full circle. Recounting everything that happens both variants of Joker will explain why he is the way he is. As the villain Joker is much more violent, unstable, and prone to burst of anger. Joker as the hero wants to prove himself and looks to Batman as his mentor, becoming frustrated when his views on justice clash with Batman's ideals.

Both of these versions play fantastically with incredible boss battles and great conversations. While Joker and Batman take center stage everyone has the chance at the spotlight. While Bane is limited to the Viligante story many others, like Gordon, resurface for meaningful scenes. Catwoman, in particular, plays a major role in both episodes depending on your relationship with her. While Same Stitch is densely packed with alternate paths and shocking moments the episode reveals a lot of issues that Telltale should consider when creating future episodic games.

Telltale Games’ Batman: The Enemy Within Episode 5 Same Stitch,Telltale Games,NoobFeed,

First, you cannot play both variations by revisiting the previous episode and choosing a different path. Only by betraying or allying with John Doe can you alter episode 5. In addition, you cannot choose specific points of the episode to replay or alternate save slots if you want to start the next season with different choices. Considering how the game ends, with a major choice and cliffhanger, it's safe to say that Telltale intends another season.

Puzzles are present but this goes without saying that these are the weakest elements of Same Stitch. Both variations have 1-2 simple puzzles that require trial and error but they're the weakest part of the episode. 

Batman: The Enemy Within Episode 5 - Same Stitch ends this second season of Batman's grueling adventure to save Gotham with a bang. With a memorable conclusion regardless of which Joker you'll face the journey leading up to the end will test Batman and Bruce's mettle. It has its issues but by the end, I was caught off guard multiple times and loved the intense battles. Batman: The Enemy Within Episode 5 - Same Stitch is everything a finale needs that will leave you shocked and craving for season 3.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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General Information

Platform(s): PS4, Xbox One
Publisher(s): Telltale Games
Developer(s): Telltale Games
Genres: Action-Adventure
Themes: Narrative
Release Date: 2018-03-27

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