The Wolf Among Us: Episode 5 - Cry Wolf

The season finale of The Wolf Among Us is a goodie full of action with those tough decisions we love to make.

By XboxBetty, Posted 19 Jul 2014


The season finale of The Wolf Among Us is upon us, and it's a goodie full of action with those tough decisions we love to make. In the previous episode, In Sheep's Clothing, players finally got to see Bigby confront the elusive Crooked Man and his posse, only to have the brief interaction quickly fade to credits, leaving Telltale fans pining for more from the sheriff and his fellow Fables.

Telltale Games, The Wolf Among Us, Episode 5, Cry Wolf, Review, NoobFeed

Episode 5 - Cry Wolf opens with a bang, immediately throwing players into an episode full of glorious, bloody action, marking the episode as some of the best work from Telltale Games. After clearing up our doubts about who was at the hands of Faith and Lily's deaths, in his truest form Bigby is thrown into a wild goose chase. Full of energy, this opening scene has Bigby running down the street, jumping from car to car and leaping from buildings, attempting to catch and punish those responsible for the murders.

If the previous episodes of The Wolf Among Us failed to keep players enthralled, this opening sequence will have them questioning their judgments. Disallowing any break from the final installment, without question, players will sit down and complete it with barely a blink of the eye. Cry Wolf is jam packed with ethical decisions, allowing the player to have a more clear idea of how they impact the storyline and how they've molded Bigby into becoming the wolf he truly is.

Telltale Games, The Wolf Among Us, Episode 5, Cry Wolf, Review, NoobFeed

Not only do players' decisions seem to be more important in this episode, but the focus and quickness of one's response seems to play a key part in shaping the episode. However rare in the previous episodes, failing to complete an action or even seeing Bigby die is prevalent in Cry Wolf, especially when you want the story to move a certain way. An example of such is when Bigby comes face-to-face with an armed Crooked Man and must decide to follow his instructions or disarm the criminal. Capturing the con is more difficult than it would seem, requiring speedy reflexes and the patience to replay the scene after failing the task, maybe even more than once.

Telltale Games, The Wolf Among Us, Episode 5, Cry Wolf, Review, NoobFeed

As we saw in previous episodes, many of the characters in The Wolf Among Us are gruesome, ugly looking creatures, especially in their true forms - think the Jersey Devil and Grendel. Episode five shows us the true form of Bloody Mary when she and Bigby fight in one of the most epic battles seen in the entire series, and she is not pretty with bloody eyes and shards of glass protruding from her entire body. What more, Bloody Mary reveals her special skill, making things a lot more difficult for our Big Bad Wolf.

After deciding what should happen to the Crooked Man, Cry Wolf comes to a close with the lot of the "good guys" waiting for Bigby at the wishing well. Depending on previous decisions, Bigby follows through with Snow White's request, bringing back the Crooked Man for a trial by his peers. Furthermore, players hold the power of the Crooked Man's fate. Does he live or die?  Is he thrown down the wishing well?

Telltale Games, The Wolf Among Us, Episode 5, Cry Wolf, Review, NoobFeed

One final interaction with Nerissa takes place, and the conversation is left up for interpretation, perhaps suggesting that Telltale will be releasing a second season of The Wolf Among Us. Although unconfirmed, this seems highly likely with the closing of Cry Wolf.

This is our highest rated episode of the series with episode one and two coming in at a close second and third. Average out the scores of each of our reviews and the series as a whole tops off at a solid 80/100. Not too shabby for a brand new series that failed to keep the intrigue flowing throughout each and every episode. Let's hope that this isn't the last we'll see of Bigby Wolf and that season two will be even better.

Megan Bethke (@XboxBetty), NoobFeed

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General Information

Platform(s): PC, PS4, Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS3, Vita, Mobile
Publisher(s): Telltale Games
Developer(s): Telltale Games
Genres: Action, Adventure
Themes: Graphic Adventure, Point and Click
Release Date: 2014-07-08

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